Colitis - a problem of intestines

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Very often at people the wrong opinion concerning such disease as colitis is created. They assume, that colitis is a gripe. However, this incorrect assumption. The word colitis has occurred from the Greek word "kolon" which is translated as a large gut. Actually colitis is an inflammatory disease of a mucous membrane of thick intestines.

Colitis in sharp forms pass very violently, but during too time it is very fast. Chronic colitis in turn proceed very long and languidly. Sharp colitis are very often accompanied by an inflammation of thin guts and a stomach. The medicine knows some types of colitis. Among them: ulcer, infectious, ischemic, medicinal, radiating and some other types of colitis. Ulcer colitis it is accompanied by occurrence of chancres in paries of intestines. At ischemic prick blood badly reaches intestines.

There is a big number of the reasons of occurrence colitis. It can be intestinal infections, an infection in a bilious bubble or a pancreas, long application of antibiotics, infringement of blood supply of a gut. If to speak about a wrong feed it also influences formation of colitis. More often this abusing flour and animal food, also a spicy food and alcohol. If at you a dysbacteriosis of intestines, worms, a bad heredity or a food allergy, quite probably, that you become "hostage" of colitis. One more very frequent factor of occurrence of colitis is the wrong mode of day, a frequent mental or physical overstrain.

The basis of any colitis includes damage of a mucous membrane of a gut. If colitis is caused by an intestinal infection then disease passes with rough influence on an organism. During the moment of disease various bacteria and parasites get on a mucous membrane of a gut and start it to damage. During this moment in a gut of the patient there is an inflammatory process. Because of it the wall of a gut swells. The gut cannot normally function any more. The wrong operating mode causes desires on defecation, a diarrhea and painful sensations in a stomach. At the patient at prick constantly the temperature raises.

First attributes of colitis are a pain in the field of a stomach and a unstable chair. Rumbling and a swelling of a stomach can disturb the patient. In a dung there can be a slime or blood. The person with colitis feels slackness, weakness. The given disease proceeds more often, approximately, some weeks.

If happens you got a colitis, it is necessary for you to address necessarily to the gastroenterologist. Only him can put you the correct diagnosis. Also you should hand over the analysis кала and to pass some researches on various devices.

Treatment of any kind of colitis requires a special diet. All other treatment is appointed depending on the reasons of disease. If at you has appeared colitis because of an intestinal infection then to you will necessarily appoint antibiotics. In case of if you became the owner of this disease because of application of a plenty of medicines then all medical products are canceled.

Medicinal therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy – all this methods of treatment colitis. Sanatorium treatment of this disease very well helps.

Colitis, as well as all other diseases, requires duly treatment. For this reason leave all businesses on then and engage for the beginning in the health. Visiting of the gastroenterologist will help you to get rid from colitis and to feel far more confidently and better.

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