One Year Anniversary

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It is hard to believe that a year has gone by since I started the Prostate Doc blog!  What a year it has been.  I am so honored and thankful for all of the enthusiasm and support.  With nearly 40,000 visits from over 50 countries, the interest in the blog has exceeded all of my expectations.  The interest in the blog has also reinforced my belief that men with prostate cancer need more information about their disease than is offered by their physicians.  I truly believe that writing this blog and, more importantly, getting your feedback, has made me a better urologist with a keener awareness of the needs of my prostate cancer patients.  At the same time, your continued positive feedback has made the experience all the more rewarding.

Many readers have noticed and commented that, recently, my posts have been few and far between.  This recent hiatus has been due to two reasons.  First, unfortunately, my own family has faced some pretty daunting health issues that have required a great deal of my time and attention.  The second reason is, fortunately, much more positive and exciting.  I have put together my first book!  I have noticed that the majority of the questions coming from readers have to do with radical prostatectomy and its consequences.  As I read and absorbed all of these questions and comments, I began to realize that men undergoing radical prostatectomy need a guide which can lead them through their often confusing journey.  As a result, I wrote:

I have made this book available at the Prostate Doc Library.  This sister site of the blog will feature this and future books.

I hope that you find the book useful.  I also am very excited and energized to write many new posts for the blog.  While I have many ideas about what I want to cover, I would also love to hear from you.  Please leave your comments about the prostate cancer topics that you most want covered in the blog and I will definitely try to discuss them.

Thanks again to you all for your continued support of the blog.  You have been a tremendous inspiration for me. 

Prostate Doc

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