New Scam Please Be aware

Monday, October 22, 2012

Telecoms giant Digicel issued an advisory recently on its Facebok page apprising its customers to be alert to a new scam that was targeting them.
According to the advisory, customers have received a fraudulent text message stating that they are winners of cash and other prizes and are asked to disclose personal information in order to claim these prizes.
The text message states "Congrats, your mobile number has been awarded 1,000,000 pounds from VIRGIN MEDIA COMPANY UK Draw. To claim, email your name and country to"
In warning about the scam Digicel said it only contact customer from 619-5000, 380-0057, 619-1525 or SMS from 400, 137 and 142 regarding Digicel's promotions.
"Should you receive a call or message from any number other than these, please contact us immediately with the number along with the time and date the call/text was received. Thank you and stay alert," the Facebook advisory continued.
Meanwhile, customers had mixed reviews to the disclosure.
Cleopatra McLean posted, " I got that message today ... but it was sent from 668, that was the only number that came up. Only "money grabbers" would believe say that message ain't fake."
Navado Brown posted, "Well, this is cool and all but which fool ago believe seh dem win dem breed a money deh."
On the other hand, Jason Grant wrote, "It's not a scam. I got my money."

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