Natural Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Friday, December 7, 2012

Prostate cancer forms in the prostate gland, found in the male reproductive system and occurs when cells in the prostate begin to grow abnormally. It is a leading cause of death in men in many parts of the world.
There are a variety of treatment options for prostate cancer, both conventional and alternative. A man who has received a positive diagnosis for prostate cancer should research and learn all he can about conventional and alternative treatments so he can make an informed decision regarding which route to take.
Seek the advice of a medical professional and get a second opinion if necessary. Much depends on the the stage or extent of the disease in planning the best approach to treat prostate cancer.
Conventional Treatment for Prostate Cancer
Surgery to remove the prostate and cancer surrounding it, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are the most common conventional therapies used to treat prostate cancer.
Alternative Treatment for Prostate Cancer
Diet – What to Include: A change in diet is recommended by most alternative treatment cancer practitioners.
  • Do eat a diet high in fresh, home grown, organic fruits and vegetables, and nuts and grains that contain nutrients that kill cancer cells and are said to stop cancer from spreading.
  • Include plenty of green vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, broccoli, dark green lettuce, leeks, onions and celery,
  • Eat fruits such as pomegranates, kiwis, plums, apples, lemons, grapes, oranges and dried fruits such as raisins, prunes and apricots,
  • Berries, especially blueberries and goji berries are said to be super-foods in the fight against cancer,
  • Eat legumes such as lentils and chickpeas, nuts such as hazelnuts and cashews and herbs and spices such as garlic, parsley, mint, coriander and thyme,
  • Lycopene and beta-carotene, are naturally occurring yellow, orange and red plant pigments found in chillies, tomatoes, peppers, carrots and other colorful foods and help in the fight against cancer.
Diet – What to Avoid:
  • Stay away from dairy products, processed sugar, processed foods such as shop bought cookies, cakes made with refined sugar and flour, Processed sugar strips the body of calcium and nutrients and feeds cancer cells.
  • Avoid biscuits, cakes, pastries, meat pies, sausages, hard cheese, butter and processed fatty foods containing coconut or palm oil.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners and too much salt.
Dietary Supplements to Fight Prostate Cancer: Recommended oral nutritional supplements for prostate cancer include vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids, herbs, amino acids, high doses of vitamin C, antioxidants A and E, vitamin D, the B3 vitamin nicinamide.
Mineral supplements to include: Because of their strong anti-cancer properties, minerals to include would be selenium, calcium and magnesium. Modest amounts of zinc are recommended. A wide range of trace minerals, preferably in colloidal form are usually prescribed by alternative practitioners to fight prostate cancer.
Prostate Cancer Treatment Centers
There are cancer treatment centers that offer non-invasive alternative treatment for patients who do choose to fight cancer the non-conventional way. Other centers offer a combination of complementary and traditional cancer treatments with the potential of not only improving the patient's life expectancy but also improving the patient's quality of life.

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