According to medical research and studies, men are extremely unhappy with their penis and feel very insecure.
Most men think that it is not long or big enough for sexual activities.
Women were asked on the girth of the penis size and most results gathered, stated that it did not matter the size. Most men think if their girth is not big enough it will not satisfy their partner, this is not what the ladies think. But, men are still wanting answers on how they can enlarge their manhood.
How to make your penis size bigger naturally.
The first thing you should consider is your diet. If you want to increase the penis size, you need to watch what you eat. This can affect your endurance and the size of your penis. If you are overweight, you put stress on your penis and it will shrink in size. Most men do not realize this. There are some foods that will also help the stability of your erection. According to medical research and studies, men are extremely unhappy with their penis and feel very insecure.
Research has shown that if vegetables are eaten in large amounts men had bigger penis sizes compared to other men who did not eat vegetables.
Also results showed to drink large amounts of water every day along with fruits that are grown naturally.
If your penis is small you must include penis enlargement exercises.
The exercises will work to increase blood flow naturally to the penis. This will give you more control while having intercourse and will increase your girth or size of your penis.
You might avoid and control premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. tability of your erection.
Research has shown that if vegetables are eaten in large amounts men had bigger penis sizes compared to other men who did not eat vegetables.
Also results showed to drink large amounts of water every day along with fruits that are grown naturally.
If your penis is small you must include penis enlargement exercises.
The exercises will work to increase blood flow naturally to the penis. This will give you more control while having intercourse and will increase your girth or size of your penis.
You might avoid and control premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.
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