Hard to understand

Tuesday, November 15, 2011 · Posted in

My cousin who is about 15 years older than I, Married, father to a boy and twin girls, was diagnosed with leukemia a few years ago. He went through so much pain and trial gratefully came through his treatments with no cancer. Now, his bone marrow tests came back positive for the Leukemia again and he has pneumonia. Yesturday the dictors sent him home to be with his wife and kids.

It just seems so bleak. He is only in his 30’s, he has a family that he loves and cares about so much. There are so many people out there that abandon their families and here is someone who wants nothing more than to be with them and he can’t.

The doctors have done all they can do so now, all I can do is pray and believe that God will work a divine miracle in his life. I just can’t imagine the fear and pain that his family (my family) is feeling.

I know so much more about cancer now than I did a few months ago, I just wish there was something that I could have done even though I know that it’s not possible.

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