The general classification of prostate cancer pathology

Saturday, August 30, 2008 · Posted in

1. Latent prostate cancer: is not in his prostate disease symptoms and signs, in the autopsy after death by pathological examination revealed the primary adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Potential prostate cancer can occur in any location, but to the central area and peripheral areas common, and often well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Its incidence of foreign reported a 15% to 50%. My urinary Research Institute reported latent prostate cancer incidence rate was 34%. Statistical studies show that the incidence of prostate cancer may be hidden with the environment and genetic factors.
2. Sporadic prostate cancer: Clinical to benign prostatic hyperplasia as the main symptoms, in the resection of prostate hyperplasia, histological examination revealed prostate cancer. Its histological differentiation better performance for adenocarcinoma, and to sieve-like tubular adenocarcinoma adenocarcinoma based, a small number of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, sporadic abroad prostate cancer incidence rate of 10% to 30%. Domestic morbidity reports to about 5%.
3. Misprision of prostate cancer: patients without symptoms and signs of prostate disease, but in lymph node biopsy or specimens for pathological examination confirmed prostate cancer. And then after prostate biopsy has been further confirmed. Such serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic acid phosphatase levels increased. PSA and biopsy done (or) PAP immunohistochemistry staining were positive.
4. Clinical prostate cancer: clinical examination (referring to consultation, ultrasound, CT or MRI, etc.) for the diagnosis of prostate cancer, and a biopsy confirmed. Also available through PAP patients with increased serum PSA and to assist diagnosis. Most patients can touch DRE prostate nodules, ultrasonography suggested that prostate nodule is not structured shape, Echo Echo low and uneven.

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