Archive for August 2012

New Test For Breast Cancer Making Individualized Treatment Decisions A Reality

Friday, August 31, 2012

Widely hailed as the next frontier in medical advances, the promise of individualized medicine is becoming a reality thanks to progress in understanding the molecular basis of diseases such as breast cancer. Scientists can now develop treatments that are tailored to individual genetic profiles, as well as tests to predict how a patient will respond to existing therapies.

Today, some women with early-stage breast cancer and their physicians can make more informed treatment decisions with the Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Assay. This service provides quantitative information about genes from a woman's individual tumor to generate a Recurrence Score between zero and 100, indicating whether she is at high, intermediate or low risk for her cancer returning after treatment.

Oncotype DX is intended for patients with node-negative, estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer who are likely to be treated with hormonal therapy. Approximately half of the 230,000 patients diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States each year fall into this category, and are frequently offered treatment with chemotherapy, a widely used treatment with considerable side effects. Clinical studies show that chemotherapy improved patient survival rates in only 4 out of 100 patients, yet thousands of women continue to elect this costly and toxic treatment with only limited information about whether they might respond to it.

A recent study demonstrated that women with high Recurrence Scores are more likely to benefit from chemotherapy, whereas women with lower scores derive only minimal benefit. Further, only 25% of women fell into the high-risk group, compared to 50% in the low-risk group, indicating that this common treatment is not appropriate for every patient.

Elizabeth Sloan of New York City is one of the many breast cancer patients not likely to respond to chemotherapy. An active mother with two young boys, Elizabeth was considering having another child when she was diagnosed at just 40 years old. She wanted to avoid chemotherapy, with its disruptive, short-term side effects and potentially serious long-term implications, but also wanted to be absolutely certain that it wouldn't help her.

Working with her doctor, Ruth Oratz, M.D., at NYU Medical Center, Elizabeth decided to have the Oncotype DX assay, and was delighted when her Recurrence Score turned out to be low-indicating that she may not benefit significantly from chemotherapy.

"No two women with breast cancer are exactly alike. Oncotype DX provides information that goes beyond standard measures, like age, tumor size and tumor grade, in determining the likelihood of disease recurrence," says Dr. Oratz. "Oncotype DX gave Elizabeth and me added confidence and peace of mind in selecting the most fitting treatment for her."

For Susan Bakken of Denver, Colorado, Oncotype DX provided a different kind of peace of mind. Susan's Recurrence Score indicated that she was at high risk of cancer recurrence, and would likely benefit significantly from chemotherapy-to both her surprise and her doctor's.

"Based on the other tests I had, my doctor said he wouldn't have otherwise recommended chemotherapy. I was shocked to find out my result, but I was so glad I did because I believe this test basically saved my life," explained Susan.

Elizabeth Sloan is also grateful for the information she gained from Oncotype DX. "Not all cancers are the same, so why treat everyone the same way with something so toxic?" she said. "It's so remarkable that finally, doctors can distinguish one person's cancer from another-I'm just so thankful."

Oncotype DX is a simple test that can only be ordered by a physician. It is performed on a small amount of breast tumor tissue removed during a standard lumpectomy, mastectomy or biopsy, meaning no additional procedure is required.

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Prostate Cancer Treatment

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Cancer that grows in the prostate gland is called prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men in the U.S. About one man in six will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, but only one man in 34 will die of the disease.

In the early stages, surgery and radiation may be used to remove or attempt to kill the cancer cells or shrink the tumor. Doctors will usually advice you to undergo a surgical operation. You will then be given some medications to take. Many studies have shown that this combination reduces the pains experienced by men to a great extent especially if the prostate cancer has spread to the bones. The cancer will not totally disappear nor will you live longer. Seek medical advice too and you would be in a better position to decide according to your own health and your personal values. Medications can have many side effects, including hot flashes and loss of sexual desire. Urinary incontinence can be a possible complication of surgery.

Also a form of treatment used for early stage cancer is high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). This procedure is carried out under anesthesia (or using a local spinal anesthetic) and a probe is placed into the prostate gland through the rectum. A beam of high intensity focused ultrasound is them used to raise the temperature in the area of focus and thus to kill the cancer cells

Another prostate cancer treatment option is radiation therapy. This prostate cancer treatment includes the use of radiation of high energy from protons, neutrons, gamma rays and x-rays, as well as other sources to kill the cancerous cells and to shrink any existing tumors. There are two ways that radiation therapy can be administered as prostate cancer treatment. The first is from a machine that is located outside your body called external beam radiation therapy, or you may have material that is radioactive that is placed in your body near where the cancer is located. This is referred to as internal radiation therapy.
A relatively new technique, which is still being evaluated, is known as cryosurgery. During cryosurgery, which is carried out under anesthesia, cooling probes are guided into the prostate using ultrasound and the cancer cells are killed by freezing them.

The form of treatment used for early stage cancer is high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). This procedure is carried out under anesthesia (or using a local spinal anesthetic) and a probe is placed into the prostate gland through the rectum. A beam of high intensity focused ultrasound is them used to raise the temperature in the area of focus and thus to kill the cancer cells

For late stage prostate cancer hormone therapy is used and this is designed not to attack the cancer itself but to target the male hormones (in particular testosterone), which the cancer cells need to grow. In cases where hormone therapy proves ineffective, systematic radiation therapy or chemotherapy may be recommended.

The outcome of prostate cancer varies greatly; mostly because the disease is found in older men who may have a variety of other complicating diseases or conditions, such as cardiac or respiratory disease, or disabilities that immobilize or greatly decrease their activities. Whatever the stage of your cancer it is important to consider all of the options carefully and weigh the advantages, disadvantages and risks of each carefully before choosing the treatment that is best for you.

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Early Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer often doesn’t cause any symptoms in its early stages. As the cancer grows, symptoms may include:
  • A Cough That Doesn’t Go Away
  • Any Abnormal Symptoms or a General Decline in Health
  • Pain or Aching in Your Shoulder, Back, Chest, or Arm
  • Repeated Infections Such as Bronchitis and Pneumonia
  • Shortness of Breath With Activity
A Cough That Doesn’t Go Away

Many people dismiss or adapt to a chronic cough, attributing it to something else. Perhaps it is allergies, a “leftover” cough following a cold, or dry air during the winter months. But a cough that lasts more than a few weeks can be a sign of something else. A chronic cough as an early symptom of lung cancer is even easier to miss if you have a condition that predisposes you to coughing, such as asthma, COPD, allergies, or gastroesophageal reflux. Coughing up blood (hemoptysis) is a common symptom of lung cancer, but can be fairly subtle and you may notice only a small amount of blood tinged phlegm when you cough. If you experience a persistent cough, check with your doctor, and ask for a second opinion if you don’t get a clear answer.

Any Abnormal Symptoms or a General Decline in Health

If you note any symptoms which are unusual for you, it is important to check with you doctor, especially if you have a history of smoking. Seemingly unrelated symptoms, such as knee pain, may be an early symptom of lung cancer. General symptoms, such as fatigue, decreased appetite, or even depression should prompt you to seek a physicians guidance, too.

Pain or Aching in Your Shoulder, Back, Chest, or Arm

Lung cancers may press on nerves, resulting in pain in your shoulder, chest, back, or an arm -- even before they cause a cough or difficulty breathing. If you notice pain in one of these areas of the body that doesn’t seem to be related to an injury (or even if it is but persists), consult your physician. Up to 50% of people with lung cancer have some chest or shoulder pain at the time of diagnosis, especially pain that increases with coughing and breathing.

Repeated Infections Such as Bronchitis and Pneumonia

It’s not uncommon for someone to discover that they have lung cancer after being treated for repeated episodes of bronchitis or pneumonia. If a tumor is located near an airway, it can cause an obstruction that predisposes you to these infections. If you have had a few episodes of bronchitis or pneumonia, talk to your doctor. Repeated infections could be due to persistent smoking or a condition such as COPD, but they could also be an early symptom of lung cancer.

Shortness of Breath With Activity

Another common early symptom of lung cancer is shortness of breath that you only notice with activity. This can be overlooked and blamed on getting older, being out-of-shape, or perhaps due to those few extra pounds you've gained. If you notice that you are hesitant to take that hike, become winded with sexual activity, or blame the humidity for making it more difficult to breathe, make an appointment to talk to your doctor.
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Connection Between Smoking And Asthmatic Male Patient

We have all probably heard at least once from different information sources that smoking cigarettes and tobacco are harmful to one's health. These products contain hundreds of destructive chemicals which are detrimental; not only to the smoker, but to those who get to inhale the smoke coming from the cigarettes or tobacco they puff. One of the illnesses that can be acquired by smoking is asthma. But what if the actual asthmatic male patient is the one who smokes excessively? How can this person possibly be saved from future health complications? Before we discuss the solution, it will be worthwhile to note some background information about smoking and the asthmatic patient.

Smoking 101

The practice of smoking dates back centuries ago, when the ancient civilizations and societies used and burnt incense as a way of praising their gods. What started as a purely religious practice eventually evolved as a way of gratifying and satisfying oneself by inhaling the smoke coming from products like cigarettes and tobacco. Smoking is apparently very pleasurable as these cigarettes or tobacco contain nicotine, a substance that is known to stimulate the brain, giving the smoker intense enjoyment and fulfillment.

Despite all the pleasures that smoking gives, it is still very harmful to the body especially for second-hand smokers or the people who inhale the smoke which is exhaled by the actual smokers. It can cause lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, kidney failure or even something as simple as the common cough. Thus, this practice must immediately be halted.

Asthma 101

Asthma is a respiratory disorder that causes the patient to have difficulty in breathing due to inflammation of the airways. Asthmatics often experience different extremely uncomfortable conditions like wheezing, chest tightening, shortness of breath, and intense coughing. Some asthmatics even have side effects like skin allergies which develop on varying degrees. Asthma is a sickness that must be treated and dealt with seriously as this can be a cause of potential death.
Smoking can trigger asthma attacks. The smoke coming from cigarettes and tobacco can irritate the muscles of the airways, causing it to become rigid and tensed. When this happens, the passage of air is impeded and the asthmatic experiences difficulty in breathing, which leads to major or minor asthma attacks.

The Verdict

It is therefore advisable for asthmatics to avoid inhaling smoke coming from cigarettes and for asthmatics who smoke to quit smoking altogether. They may think they can handle cigarette or tobacco smoke but the truth is that they're running the risk of worsening their asthmatic condition. They are highly likely to develop severe respiratory problems at a young age. Aside from that, their appearance, overall body stamina, and immune system will be affected causing them to be sicklier and appear older than they truly are.
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The Harmful Effects of Smoking While Pregnant

Smoking during pregnancy is more common than many of us would like to think. There are some women in today's society who want to quit, but honestly don't know how. In other instances, there are a very few women who don't care to think about their unborn child and the health risks that are involved.

There are some women who are not aware of or don't understand how serious this matter is, or how serious is can become. With proper information, some expecting mothers may be willing to stop cold turkey or seek help for their addiction.

The Dangerous Side

Many mothers believe that they are safe because they aren't consuming or addicted to hard drugs, such as crack or cocaine, but in this instance, one isn't better than the other. Smoking cigarettes while you're pregnant can cause more problems than any mother can imagine. Some women are curious and want to know what's the harm in smoking while you're expecting. A lot of people aren't aware that cigarette smoke contains more than 2,000 different types of chemicals. Needless to say, these chemicals are not beneficial to the mother or her baby. Nicotine and carbon monoxide are the two ingredients that are found in cigarettes that are to blame for several pregnancy complications. In this instance, a few complications include premature birth, stillbirth, and low birth weight.

The Effects

Even though a few cigarettes here and there are a lot safer than one or two packs per day, it's crucial to the wellness of the mother and the baby for the mother to quit smoking altogether. As far as the weight and size of the baby is concerned, smoking can greatly affect this factor. Here, if the mother smokes a pack per day throughout her pregnancy, she will be putting her baby at risk to weigh half a pound less than it normally would. Here, if the mother had a two packs per day habit, the baby could weigh one pound or more less than it actually should. In this situation, there are a few mothers that will welcome the fact of having to deliver a small baby, but this could have long-term negative effects.

The Body and Lungs

When a baby is underweight, they have a body to match. Here, a baby's lungs may not be fully developed or able to operate on their own. Here, the baby will have to remain on a respirator during the first week or more of their lives. Due to the fact that the baby of a mother with a smoking addiction may have delayed development of the lungs, this can cause serious problems for the child later on during the course of their lives.

The Heart

For expecting mothers who smoked heavily during their first trimester, the baby will be at a greater risk for heart complications. In this event, it's best to quit smoking as soon as you find out that you're expecting. If you feel that you aren't able to quit, seek guidance from your doctor and programs that are set in place to help a person quit smoking.

The Brain

Contrary to popular belief, smoking while you're pregnant could have several long-term effects on a baby's brain. In this instance, the child could have behavioral issues, a low IQ, and even learning disabilities. The entire nine months of pregnancy is an important part of a baby's life. Every week of pregnancy marks an important milestone of growth and development.

The Solution

There are several methods that an expecting mother can use to quit smoking successfully. It's a good idea to ask your friends and family for help. In this situation, your close friends and loved one can create the awesome support group that you need to help you quit smoking once and for all. If you don't live close to any of your friends or relatives, join a group for smokers and make new friends. A lot of people feel better when they have a friend along for their tough journey.

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Connection of Smoking and Weight Control in Men

A lot of male smokers know that smoking stifles the appetite and may assist with weight loss or weight maintenance. It is precisely for this reason that a lot of image-conscious smokers carry on smoking, even though they do wish to quit. But, is it a given that if one quits smoking one would gain weight? Absolutely not. Not everyone who stops smoking will gain weight. Even those who have the propensity to bulge don't have to, either. There are ways to quit smoking and not gain weight.
Besides the fact that nicotine boosts the appetite, and therefore stopping it decreases the appetite, that's not the only reason why some ex-smokers put on a few pounds. When some people kick the habit they just substitute it eating for smoking. So, there you go. All is not as bad as it initially seems, at face value. There are things you can do to ensure successfully quitting and keeping your body.


Drinking plenty of water has long been known to be one way to help keep your weight in check. For a start, water is calorie-free, and sips of water with meals may help fill you up quicker, and averts overeating. Hydration also helps re-condition the skin after all the damage from smoking.

Healthy eating

Eating healthy, not just for ex-smokers, is an excellent way of getting sufficient nutrients into your body, without piling on the unwanted ponds. If one watched one's snacking habits and chose healthier snack options over the sugary and fatty versions, half the battle is won. Fruits and vegetables make very good snacks, as they generally are nutrient rich, with few calories. One good tip is to have numerous smaller meals rather than, say three large meals. This is the mainstay of a lot of weight loss programs.

Increase physical activity

Physical activity will help to burn up the extra unneeded calories, thereby maintaining your weight, or even aiding weight loss. This goes hand in hand with healthy eating. After all, they do say that the most sure way to trim the fat is to eat less and move more. After quitting smoking your lung function and health will improve, further increasing your capacity for exercise. The more physical activity you do the more calories you burn. Increasing physical activity does not mean joining the gym. Simple activities like walking, jogging, swimming and dancing work wonders in controlling weight gain.

Avoid habits conducive to weight gain

Don't fall into the trap of getting rid of one bad habit and replacing it with another. One problem that ex-smokers may face is boredom and comfort eating, which often involves eating the wrong kinds of foods. For example, some people indulge in chocolate or junk food, which ultimately lead to weight gain. other habits to avoid include spending countless sedentary hours playing video games. Spend more time doing things conducive to good general well-being.

From the above discussion, it is quite obvious that it is not the lack of nicotine, per se, which leads to weight problems. Did you know that there are a lot of overweight, nicotine-inhaling smokers out there? I bet you know someone who smokes, but still struggles with their weight. Smoking is, therefore, not the answer to the bulge. Healthy living is. You can quit smoking and not pile on the pounds. Take action and stay smoke-free, with the many ways to quit smoking.

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Does Smoking and Heart Disease Have A Distinct Link?

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death among many individuals across the globe. Heart related issues are largely attributed to poor lifestyle including smoking. The question is, does smoking and heart disease have a distinct link? Cigarettes contain harmful ingredients such as nicotine. This increases the risk of heart disease by:
  • Decreasing supply of oxygen to the heart,
  • It damages cells that line blood vessels and coronary arteries,
  • Increases heart rate and
  • Increases blood pressure and blood clotting.
Research also shows that smoking causes atherosclerosis. This is a condition that is characterized by build up of fatty substances in the arteries. As a result, the lining of the artery will begin to deteriorate forcing the body to use fatty substances to thicken the affected artery walls. When this happens, artery walls become thick making it harder for blood to pass through. Blockage of arteries also arises leading to heart attack.

Smoking also slows down blood circulation. Blood can easily pool up causing blood clots in the heart and other areas in the body when exposed to harmful carcinogens or nicotine. The clots will gradually form in veins, legs and eventually travel to the heart via arteries exposing you to high risks of heart disease.

It is with no doubt that bad lifestyle and cigarettes increase the risks of heart related conditions. The two have a distinct link. Therefore, to reduce heart disease, it is imperative to quit smoking. You will stay off harmful carcinogens and other ingredients that also cause heart attack and related conditions; quitting will also help you to feel healthier, look better and enhance your general health. What's more, cigarette smoking can be costly and by quitting, you will be in a better position to save a great deal on cash. In other cases, blood clots can cause lung damage, stroke and aneurysm.

Cigarettes do not only affect you, but they also affect persons around you, exposing them to high risks of cancers, lung problems and heart related conditions. It does even more damage to those around you. Despite the fact that it is not easy to quit smoking, it is the best thing you can consider for your health and that of loved ones. It all starts in the mind and by knowing that there is a close link between the vice and the disease, it will be easy for you to lay down your cigarettes.

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Oral Cancer Facts - Know The Risks

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Oral Cancer is Deadly

Over 8,000 people die annually from oral and pharyngeal cancer. As the deadliest form of head and neck cancer, it is important to know the facts and risk factors associated with this form of cancer.
Most people think that oral-pharyngeal cancer only affects people who smoke or use chewing tobacco. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In recent years, much of what we believed about risk factors for oral cancer has been shown to be only a part of the big picture.


One important factor to consider is that the same virus which has been shown to cause cervical cancer, the HPV-16 (human papilloma virus), also causes oral cancer. In fact, this form of cancer is showing up in patients who are younger and younger than the over 40 high risk age group previously defined.

While traditional lifestyle choices and risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption and environmental risks are still considered high risk factors, younger patients with no known lifestyle risks are being diagnosed with this disease. Patients who are known carriers of the HPV virus, for example, are encouraged to be screened annually.

Early Detection Saves Lives

Oral-pharyngeal cancer is so serious because it is often not detected until it has progressed to an advanced stage. Late detection of oral-pharyngeal cancer carries with it a 57% 5-year mortality rate. When detected in the very early stages, the chances of survival increase dramatically.

In recent years, the early detection of oral cancer and precancerous lesions in the mouth, pharynx and oral tissues has been improved dramatically through the integration of specialized examination tools.

Your dentist will perform a visual and tactile oral cancer screening in addition to using one of these tools in order to ensure that you are protected.

Shining a Light on Oral Cancer
The Velscope light is one such tool which utilizes technology which is very similar to that which detects precancerous and cancerous cervical lesions. A specialized light is used to illuminate oral tissue during examination. Normal tissue appears green and possible abnormal tissue appears darkened. This new method of early detection has made it possible to prevent abnormal tissue from developing into cancer. Doctors performing a biopsy of abnormal tissue can visualize more precise lesion borders using this technology.

The Best Way to Prevent Cancer?
See your dentist regularly. Have an oral cancer screening performed annually. Do not ignore warning signs.

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Surgery for Breast Cancer

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, then it is likely that your surgeon will recommend a mastectomy operation. There are several variations of the mastectomy procedure, and the most suitable for you will depend on your situation and the extent of the tumours in your breasts.
If the tumour in your breast is small, then you may undergo a lumpectomy procedure. This is a common, safe procedure and involves removal of the lump and some of the healthy tissue surrounding it, to be sure that all of the tumour cells have been removed.

If the tumour is large or there are several within the breast, then a mastectomy is the more appropriate procedure. This is surgical removal of the entire breast. A simple, or total, mastectomy is when all of the breast tissue is removed. The words "simple" and "total" are interchangeable, and you may find your surgeon using either one of them when discussing the procedure with you. You may need to undergo chemotherapy or hormone treatment before the operation to try and shrink the size of the tumours, making surgery easier to perform. You may be offered a reconstruction at the same time as the removal operation; this is becoming standard medical practice as it helps to reduce the trauma experienced by patients who have had either one or both breasts removed. You do not need to take up this option, but it is something you may wish to consider.

If the cancer is thought to have spread further than the breast tissue, then you may need to undergo a radical mastectomy, which also involves the removal of the underlying chest wall muscle. This is highly unusual and will only be done if the tumours have spread into this area of muscle.

Whichever type of mastectomy you undergo, your surgeon may also take the opportunity to biopsy the lymph nodes in your armpit. This is done through the same incision as the mastectomy, so will not result in any additional scar tissue.

Surgery to remove the breasts can often be traumatic, whether you are having the procedure to remove cancer or because you have a strong family history of the disease and want to prevent it from occurring. This is why immediate reconstruction is now offered whenever possible, and it is recommended that you discuss this with your surgeon and breast care nurse, who will be able to give you all of the relevant information. There are also a number of support groups for women who have undergone, or are about to have, the procedure, and it can sometimes be helpful to make contact with these. The members will be able to talk to you about their own experiences, which can be worthwhile if you are at all concerned. Speak to your breast care nurse, who will be able to give you the contact details for your local group.

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Something You Should Know About Prostate Problems

Prostate problems strike most men over the age of 50. The American Urological Association states that over 90% of all men will develop some kind of prostate problem during their lifetime. Of these, the most common prostate problems are:

-- Prostatitis - caused by an inflammation
-- Benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH which is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate
-- Prostate cancer

Inflammation In Prostate May Be Silent

Examination of prostate tissue from routine autopsies indicate 75-80% incidence of chronic inflammation in these cases. While inflamed prostate may not be painful in itself, it can lead to prostate enlargement and unpleasant symptoms because of an increased pressure on the urethra.

These symptoms produce increased urgency or difficulty to urinate, problems in emptying the bladder, sleep disturbances because of frequent nighttime urination, weak or sporadic stream of urine, dribbling at the end of urination and emotional distress.

Because of the side effects of treatment for BPH which can be worse than its symptoms, most doctors do not suggest treatment for the condition. But if left untreated prostate problems could become much worse and eventually require uncomfortable prostate biopsies, radiation or microwave treatments. It can even require debilitating and potentially serious surgery.

Over 400,000 men in the United States undergo prostate surgery each year. Moreover, prostate problems can lead to dangerous complications, including bladder and kidney infections.

What Causes Prostate Inflammation

Prostate inflammation is idiopathic, which means cause unknown. Some probable causes include:
-- Infection with sexually transmitted agents or non-sexually transmitted bacteria or virus;
-- Cell injury triggered by chemical and physical trauma from urine reflux;
-- Prostatic stone formation;
-- Retrograde movement of sperm cells into the prostate;
-- Hormonal (estrogen) variations and/or exposures;
-- Dietary factors such as increased consumption of red meat and animal fats.

Inflammation Increases The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA) is a lesion that frequently occurs in the prostate. PIA is connected to prostate cancer since inflammation produces increased cell death and DNA damage in regenerated cells.

Many population-based investigations confirm the link between inflammation and prostate cancer. Furthermore, these studies also discovered that men who took inflammation-reducing medications or followed dietary patterns that were less likely to promote inflammation are at lower risk of prostate cancer.

Inflammation Promotes Metastasis Of Prostate Cancer And Treatment Resistance

Studies consistently show that inflammation associated with the progression of tumors plays a crucial role in the metastasis of prostate cancer. Tumor cells produce a variety of substances that trigger inflammatory cells to break into tumor tissues. Once this happens, the tumor tissues release inflammatory cytokines, proteases, and growth factors which are responsible for tissue disruption, invasive potential of tumor cells, growth of new blood vessels that feed tumor cells, and finally tumor metastasis.

There are no effective treatments for metastatic prostate cancer. Since resistance to chemotherapy has been linked with increased inflammatory responses in metastatic tumors, studies are carried out to investigate whether anti-inflammatory treatments could improve metastatic tumors and bring down treatment resistance.

Natural Anti-inflammatory Remedies For Prostate Health

Anti-inflammatory herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat various chronic inflammatory conditions. Turmeric, Gingo biloba, Saw palmetto, Scute, Coptis, and Lovage are commonly used anti-inflammatory herbs in prostate remedies.

Anti-inflammatory remedies work as detox cleanser to remove noxious stimuli, i.e., inflammatory cells and their metabolites and debris. After effective removal of the inflammatory substances, the enlarged or inflamed prostate gland may begin to shrink.

Anti-inflammatory remedies may provide the following benefits:

-- Remove irritable stimuli that promote DNA damage and gene mutation in the prostate;
-- Help ease urinary tract relaxation and reduce urine reflux;
-- Maintain a healthy hormone balance;
-- Supply natural antioxidants to the prostate and help to restore a normal microenvironment.

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What Every Man Needs to Know About Prostate Examination and Diagnosis

Prostate cancer is a fairly serious blip on the male health radar as the third most common cancer in men over 70. Prostate cancer - and other prostate issues - can cause considerable discomfort, pain and even death, if they are left undiagnosed and untreated.

I'll be honest with you: a prostate exam is no fun. No guy looks forward dropping trou for the annual check-up; but if you're smart, you'll bite the bullet and go anyway. Regular screenings can not only save you a lot of pain and discomfort - they may just save your life.

What is the prostate - and why does it need to be examined?

The prostate gland is a doughnut-shaped organ that is part of the male reproductive system. A healthy prostate in a younger man is only about the size of a walnut. The prostate sits just under the bladder and is wrapped around the beginning of the urethra. It is surrounded by nerves that control erections and its primary function is to produce a liquid that enriches and protects sperm.

Unfortunately, as guys get older this little organ tends to act up. At times, some of the symptoms are simply a sign of aging, however, in many cases prostate trouble is an indication of a more serious problem. Prostate cancer is a primary concern, but other prostate disorders can be just as uncomfortable and a serious concern for male health.

So if you are experiencing symptoms like difficulty or discomfort while urinating, reduced ability to get an erection, blood in your urine or semen, or painful ejaculation, it's important to have your prostate checked out. Even if you aren't experiencing any symptoms, it's still wise to be screened from time to time, as you can pre-empt and prevent problems before they crop up.

What should I expect during a prostate exam?

A prostate exam can be done fairly quickly and easily by your doctor. It might be a little awkward and uncomfortable, but it should be pain-free and over in just a few minutes.

Many guys who go in for their first prostate exam don't realize that it involves the doctor inserting a finger into the anus to examine the prostate gland, so your doctor will likely discuss the procedure with you before getting started. He will answer any questions you might have and he'll make sure you understand what's going to happen

Next, you'll be asked to remove your pants and bend over a counter or examination table. Wearing sterile gloves, the doctor will lubricate both his finger and your anal opening. As uncomfortable as you might be, the very best thing to do at this point is to relax completely. Go to your "happy place" and relax your sphincter muscles as the doctor inserts his finger.

Once his finger is inserted, the doctor will examine the rectal walls, feeling for the pelvic structure along the left, right, and posterior sides. Finally, he will examine the prostate gland, which is located on the anterior rectal wall. He will examine the surface of the gland, taking note of its size, consistency and shape. He will check the lobes as well as the gap that separates the two lobes. He will ask if you feel any tenderness or pain when he touches various parts of the gland.

Finally, the doctor will remove his finger, and congrats! Your DRE (digital-rectal examination) is complete. Once he has removed his hand, he may examine the fecal matter on the glove, possibly transferring some to a lab slide for further examination if necessary.

At this point, sometimes your doctor will also do a PSA test. He may choose to do this if he notices any irregularities, or simply for a more thorough screening. This is a simple blood test that measures your levels of PSA (or Prostate Specific Antigen), which is a protein made by the prostate gland.
What should I do to prepare for a prostate exam?

Well, you're off to a good start. Simply knowing what to expect can help speed the process along, minimizing any potential awkwardness or discomfort for you. Remember, as uncomfortable as you might be, the doctor is a professional and he very likely does prostate exams on a daily basis. Relaxing and discussing the process openly with your doctor can take a lot of the discomfort out of the procedure.

Other than that, there's not much else you need to do to prepare. If you have hemorrhoids, however, you may want to let your doctor know so that he can try not to bother them. Just be prepared that there may be a little discomfort if hemorrhoids or anal fissures are present, and there may be a little bleeding after your exam. This is not a cause for alarm, however, and will clear up fairly quickly.
What happens if the doctor finds problems?

Once your examination is complete, your doctor will explain his findings. If your DRE (Digital-Rectal Examination) findings are normal, that means all's well, and you won't need any further tests until your next scheduled prostate exam (usually an annual procedure).

If the doctor does find some abnormalities, however, he might suggest a PSA test at this point. Otherwise, he might schedule a follow-up visit a few months down the line. At your next exam he will check to see if anything has changed or if the concerns have cleared up on their own.

If your PSA levels are high and the doctor finds abnormalities on your prostate, the doctor will then recommend further testing, including a prostate ultrasound and/or biopsy. This will give him a better idea of where the problem lies and how to remedy it.

Remember though, even if the doctor does find that some things are a bit abnormal, that doesn't immediately mean you have prostate cancer. There are other conditions - completely benign ones - that can cause similar results.

Whatever your results though, regular screenings ensure that problems are caught quickly. Catching a prostate problem right at the start, means that it can be treated and cleared up with far less difficulty.
So men, don't wait around till you run into trouble. A little momentary discomfort is a worthwhile trade for a long, happy, healthy life surrounded by your family and friends. Do yourself a favor and get your prostate checked out.
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Prostate Cancer: The Dreaded Prostate Biopsy and Alternatives

Many men do not realize that they have a choice when a physician recommends a prostate biopsy. Often they sit there in shock when told that they will need a biopsy. This scenario is played out over a million times annually though out the United States each year. The fact that alternative diagnostic procedures are not discussed or even brought to the patient's attention is amazing. It is important to note that medical practitioners have relied upon prostate biopsies since the first one performed in 1930. A lot has changed in eighty years however the prostate biopsy is still the most relied upon diagnostic procedure. Today revenue generation from prostate biopsies is estimated at 3 billion dollars annually in the US. If you have ever found yourself facing a biopsy you may be surprised how most health care providers fail to discuss the alternatives to a prostate biopsy. In addition no one ever discusses the fact that men who undergo a prostate biopsy often experience side effects due to the procedure itself.

Prostate cancer is serious and statistically it is projected that one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Within this group of men ten percent will have a life threatening or dangerous form of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death related to cancer. In 2010, it is estimated that 32,050 men die annually from prostate cancer in the United States. The most common test for a prostate cancer screening is a blood test known as the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test. This may be in combination with or without a DRE (digital rectal exam). When the results of these tests indicate the possibility of cancer it is currently common that medical professionals will proceed or recommend a prostate biopsy.

A prostate biopsy is an invasive procedure that involves a series of needles and puncture wounds to the prostate. Most men fear a biopsy of the prostate due to the fact that in the event cancer is present research has discovered that the biopsy increases inflammation and the progression and spread of cancer. Additionally the biggest risk of this invasive procedure occurs when the tissue samples, obtained via puncture of the prostate gland, miss the cancerous tissue. Only 75 percent of cancers are detected via a patient's initial biopsy. Often this leads to multiple invasive biopsies generally spaced from 6 weeks to three months apart. Typical costs associated with a prostate biopsy, include both a physician fee and a laboratory fee, generally ranging from $1500.00 to $3200.00. It is not that uncommon to have multiple successive prostate biopsies. Obviously these biopsies are lucrative for the medical professional performing the procedure and for the laboratory processing the tissue samples. Men who elect to proceed with the biopsy often experience erectile dysfunction and increased urinary problems. The actual biopsy procedure has been shown to predispose men to side effects such as difficulty urinating and increased waking due to nighttime trips to the bathroom. The degree of side effects actually increases substantially post the biopsy procedure. Only 10% of the men before the biopsy reported severe side effects. One week after the biopsy the percent of men reporting severe side effects increased to 18%. By week 12 post the biopsy almost 30% report severe side effects. In addition to severe side effects, 39% report less severe or moderate side effects post the biopsy procedure.

Today there is an alternative diagnostic procedure to an invasive prostate biopsy. Similar to the traditional Sonogram, also known as ultrasound, which is a familiar diagnostic test performed on pregnant women due to the fact that it is safe for the unborn child. The biggest difference is that the typical sonogram is not in color and the area of administration. A Power Color Doppler Sonogram (3D CDI-TRUS- 'Three dimensional color Doppler imaging - trans-rectal ultrasound') can be performed on the prostate and it is painless, safe, and not surgically invasive. Clinical literature substantiates that the 3D CDI-TRUS is a diagnostic technique with excellent sensitivity (0.82) and specificity (0.91) for detecting prostate cancers, even if PSA levels might not be elevated or are within the grey zone. [1] This diagnostic technique reduces unnecessary biopsies in men with elevated PSA levels without violating cancer detection. The estimated cost of this procedure is about $500. The 3D CDI-TRUS takes less than an hour to perform and can be performed in your doctor's office. Recovery from this procedure is instantaneous, so you may return to work the same day. Generally, 3D CDI-TRUS procedures are performed by interventional radiologists.

Another alternative non-invasive evaluation for prostate cancer can be performed with a standard MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). The MRI's accuracy is 89%. Despite the fact that an MRI tends to over-stage the tumor; most physicians feel that an MRI does not provide added information over the results available from surgically invasive prostate biopsies and PSA data. [2] Recent development and use of MR Spectroscopic Imaging (MRI-S) expands the diagnostic assessment of prostate cancer beyond the traditional information provided by a standard MRI. [3,4,5] This newer technology MRI-S uses multiple coils to provide a better image of the prostate and cancerous tumors if present.
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How To Have A Healthy Prostate

It is advisable for all men to have regular prostate check ups once they are over 40 and to do all they can to maintain a healthy prostate. This is even more true for men with a history of prostate cancer in their family as 40%s are linked in this way and the risk doubles if a brother is, or has been, diagnosed.

The prostate is a small gland in the male reproductive system and its main function is to produce seminal fluid for semen. The first symptom men notice is when the prostate begins to enlarge and there is usually an inability to pass urine. This occurs when the growth presses on the urethra, the tube that carries urine, and blocks the flow. The doctor will usually carry out a test for prostate specific antigen (PSA), a substance present in the blood that is used to identify men at increased risk of prostate cancer.

Many men over the age of 45 experience some amount of prostate enlargement, but may live symptom free though with some resulting in urinary difficulties. If left untreated it can result in urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney damage, bladder stones, incontinence and cancer.

Simple Tips to Keep The Prostate Healthy

Regular annual checks are a must and adopting a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a diet high in fruit and vegetables and low in unsaturated fats, sugars and processed foods is a sensible strategy. Avoiding chemical exposure where possible by eating an organic diet will also help as research has flagged up a warning on pesticides and growth promoters in agriculture from as early as 2007. Although these tests were on animals the first series indicated "alterations in the structure of the testis and epididymal (a part of the male reproductive system) region as well as in the serum levels of testosterone and estradiol, with changes in the expression of androgen receptors restricted to the testis." Current French research has found that, even at very low levels, exposure to the Monsanto's herbicide formula Roundup was responsible for causing severe endocrine disruption that reduced testosterone levels by 35 percent.

A simple and effective tip to maintain prostate health is to perform Kegel exercises to improve circulation and this is done by pulling up all the muscles around the scrotum and anus. Repeat this movement 10 times and at least 5-6 times daily - no one will know you are doing it!
Herbal help has been used for centuries for men suffering from prostate enlargement and there are many combinations but the most popular include saw palmetto to relieve testicular inflammation and inhibit oestrogen, the hormone responsible for prostate enlargement

The herbs nettle, pygeum and hydrangea have also been show to be effective for relieving symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. Damiana has a long history of helping balance the body's hormones, nettle is a natural diuretic and hydrangea supports the urinary system, where it is know to promote the overall health of the prostate gland and help to reduce inflammation and swelling. Antioxidants are also helpful, particularly the A.C.E combination of vitamins A,C, E with selenium as they help to protect these sensitive tissues from oxidative damage.

The Role Of Progesterone

An essential hormone for both men and women, its levels remain constant in men until they are over 60. Men produce it in their adrenals and testes and it is the precursor of adrenocortical hormones and testosterone. As they age, men's progesterone and testosterone levels drop and oestrogen levels rise and they normally produce 5-15 mgs of progesterone a day. This is secreted on a regular basis, unlike in women where it is cyclical and related to the menstrual cycle.

Men as they get older have a tendency to produce less testosterone and more di-hydrotestosterone, which seems to have an over stimulating effect on cells. Progesterone could have the effect of neutralizing the di-hydrotestosterone, which would thus help to maintain testosterone levels. It is also thought that progesterone may have an effect on the genetic coding of some cells, and in this prevents the development of abnormal cells.

The drop that occurs in progesterone levels in men is important, as we know it has a protective effect against the stimulating effects of oestrogen and testosterone. It does this by first acting directly on the progesterone receptors that are present in almost every tissue of the body and secondly by competing for receptors with testosterone.

Although very little research has been done into the effects and role of progesterone in men, it is clear that a whole range of health problems can be addressed using this hormone and specifically in helping to maintain a healthy prostate. Research is lacking in this area, but there are interesting anecdotal reports of reports from patients with prostate cancer which has been diagnosed both by blood test and biopsy. These patients have found that, as a result of using natural progesterone for about a year, the levels of PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen) in their blood have decreased to normal levels.

Keeping a healthy prostate requires an all-round approach in which diet, exercise, lifestyle and good hormone balance all have a role to play
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3 Most Common Symptoms of Early Prostate Cancer


When men reach and exceed 50 years of age, they become aware of problems they can develop with their prostate. The two major complications that could develop are an enlarged prostate and cancer of the prostate.

According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation onein six men or 18 per cent of men in the United States will develop prostate cancer. Comparing that to developing an enlarged prostate, where all men, if they live long enough, will develop an enlarged prostate.

What is cancer of the prostate and what are three symptoms of prostate cancer?

Cancer Of The Prostate

Cancer of the prostate usually develops on the outside of the prostate. This is the reason your doctor performs a digital rectal exam on your prostate. Your doctor is feeling for the smoothness of your prostate by feeling through your rectum.

If your prostate feels hard or lumpy, then your doctor may call for an ultrasound or biopsy of your prostate to determine if you have cancer. But what symptoms can you see without seeing a doctor?

3 Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Since some of the symptoms of prostate cancer are similar to an enlarged prostate, such as weak urine stream and trouble urinating, lets look at symptoms that are not similar to an enlarged prostate.
  • Blood In The Urine- This could also mean you have a kidney infection or you may even have a urinary tract infection.
  • Blood In Your Semen- When you see blood in your semen do not panic; it is most likely caused by some other problem and is more than likely not cancer.
  • Discomfort In The Pelvic Area- Besides cancer there are a number of other conditions such as hemorrhoids, nerve damage or even mental conditions that can cause discomfort in the pelvic area.
Though you may have these conditions, it is not indicative that you have cancer. Even a PSA test cannot determine if you have prostate cancer or not. In fact you may have a normal PSA score and still have prostate cancer.

The best method is to have a digital rectal exam that can then lead to an ultra sound or biopsy of your prostate.


Only 18% of men will develop this condition in their lifetime and when detected early the survival rate of men with this type of cancer is higher than any other types of cancer.
The best thing to do is to care for your prostate by eating the right foods, exercising and providing the right minerals
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Ondo targets delivery of 30, 000 babies yearly

 Ondo State Government said that more than 30, 000 pregnant women would be delivered safely of their babies with the replication of its safe motherhood (Abiye) programme in all the local government councils in the state.

The Commissioner for Health, Dr. Dayo Adeyanju, who stated this in an interview with journalists, explained that the extension of the programme will cost the state, about N2bn.

He explained that the pilot scheme of the programme was inaugurated on October 2009 at the Ifedore local government area and its successful implementation encouraged Governor Olusegun Mimiko, last week, to approve its extension to the remaining 18 council areas.

Adeyanju explained that the Abiye project was designed basically to address the high maternal mortality and under five mortality, which is one of the basic measurements of health indices.

He expressed happiness that the pilot scheme had been able to reduce infant and maternal death tremendously since its introduction.

He said, “We are expecting that the scale up of Abiye plus will cost government almost N2bn, that is its extension to the totality of the rest 17 local government areas.

“We expected that in the whole state, in every year, we will have minimum of 30, 000 deliveries” He added.

He said that the objective of the scheme was to bring qualitative and accessible healthcare to women and children with a view to reducing maternal and infant mortality and increasing the utilization of healthcare facilities in the State.

He noted that 31,000 patients have received treatment, including 11,879 deliveries and 1,400 caesarean sections at no cost under the Abiye programme in two years.

He said government put in place 10 functional basic health centres in all the wards in Ifedore for the pilot scheme apart from the four comprehensive health centres and one general hospital.

He, however said that the numbers of the health facilities will be reduced due to the personnel challenges being faced by the programme.

He said, “The midwives that we have on ground are not enough to go round. We have now mapped out the facilities to ensure equity in their distribution.

“We now have to scale down to four basic health centres and two comprehensive health centres, which is where surgical operation can take place and each of these will be in one ward.

“We will then compliment the remaining four wards with tricycle ambulances, which will move them from the hinterland to the basic health centre or the comprehensive health centers.

“The comprehensive health centre can also send its four wheel ambulance to move them from their homes to address the delay in seeking or reaching health care and in receiving healthcare and in referral.” Adeyanju added.

He said the semi urban wards will have the comprehensive health centre, while the rural communities will have the basic health centre and the tricycle ambulance to navigate and move the pregnant women.

He said, “There is no ward that will not have instant access. The tricycle ambulance that we have in mother and child has taken well over 10 deliveries, we have used the tricycle ambulance to take more than 10 deliveries, we have tested it.” He added.

He said all the facilities, equipment and funding needed for the prgramme had been put in place and that the issue of shortage of manpower was being addressed.

He said, “the council of midwifery has approved that we retain all our products from our school of midwifery for them to partake in the Abiye programme, we had 32 last year and this year again we are going to add another 32.

“With that we will not have shortage of manpower. We have navigated rural areas, we will post and repost the midwives and the rangers and also make sure the rangers are in regular contact with their patients” He stated.

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Acid Reflux/Heartburn - Simple Steps to Relief

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

You've seen the advertisements: Acid reflux is a horrible disease that can cause damage to the
oesophagus and lead to cancer. Are these claims realistic, or simply exaggerated to sell over
the counter medications? The fact is that doctors don't even agree on the causes, treatments,
and long-term risks related to heartburn, so you can believe what you want about the ads.

Heartburn is the uncomfortable feeling resulting from acid reflux, or GERD, gastroesophageal
reflux disease (try saying that out loud a few times). It can feel like a burning sensation
(hence, the name), but can also feel like pressure in the chest, which is why it is sometimes
confused with feelings associated with heart attacks.

Acid reflux occurs when the muscle between the stomach and the oesophagus gets weak or relaxes
at the wrong time. The result is that the stomach contents, including the acid, move up into
the oesophagus. Because the oesophagus doesn't have the protective lining that the stomach
does, the acid literally burns the oesophagus.

What Works?

Several non-prescription drugs may be effective for mild to moderate acid reflux,
such as antacids, which neutralize stomach acids. These include well-known over the counter
medications such as Tums and Rolaids. Another option is H2 receptor antagonists, which reduce
the production of stomach acids. These include Axid AR, Pepcid AC, Tagamet HB, and Zantac 75.
Pepcid complete is the only of these that combines an antacid with an H2 receptor antagonist.
Which is the best treatment? One study found that Pepcid complete performed better than either
an antacid alone or an H2 receptor antagonist alone.

Prescription drugs prescribed to treat acid reflux are called proton-pump inhibitors. These
include Aciphex, Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, and Protonix. While these are equally effective,
one study did find that Nexium may heal esophageal sores faster.

Homeopathic Remedies

Combined with homeopathic remedies, heartburn may be treated effectively
with less reliance on over the counter or prescription medications. Together, these solutions
may provide the answers where just one solution fails to deliver on the promise.

Natural options that may help reduce GERD include deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), which may
bring fast relief and help heal damaged lining. Aloe Vera juice may also act quickly to bring
relief. For those with chronic problems, Gamma-oryzanol (rice bran oil) may be useful, as could
choline, pantothenic acid, and thiamin. These natural solutions may provide more effective
short-term relief as well as provide long-term dietary benefits.

Why Try a Homeopathic Remedy?

The benefits of natural solutions is that they are often less
costly and reduce the chances of becoming reliant on a particular solution. Natural solutions
include treating the cause as much as the affect, and experimenting with diet and alternative
treatments may help lessen the cause of the problem. Additionally, all of the homeopathic
remedies mentioned above can be used along with over the counter or prescription medications.

Does Acid Reflux Cause Cancer?

Studies on acid reflux and cancer vary. One study showed that
chronic acid reflux increased the chances of oesophageal cancer by as much as eight times.
Another study determined that the risk of cancer is not nearly as much as was once thought.
Chronic acid reflux can lead to Barrett's oesophagus, or BE, which has been thought to lead to
an increase in cancer. A study conducted by a group of medical doctors found that the risk of
cancer from BE is not as much as previously thought, stating that BE will not cause cancer for
most people.

What is not questioned is whether or not acid reflux is uncomfortable. Chronic GERD is
difficult to live with, and experimenting with both traditional medications and natural
remedies may be the best solution. As research continues on the causes and affects of GERD,
additional options are likely to come along.
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5 Myths About Protecting Yourself from Skin Cancer

Sara spends much of her summer near the beach. She lives in a
mild climate and is very athletic. She loves to swim, bike and
play games outdoors. Sara knows the dangers of the sun and so she
opts for tanning salons to get her 'golden glow' while being sure
to apply sunscreen every day before heading out.

Joseph lives in a cooler, northern climate. The summers can be
very humid, but most of the year is mild or even below freezing
during the harshest winter months. The beach has never been much
of a draw for him and he spends most of his time doing indoor
activities or at his job. Joseph doesn't worry about sunscreen
and only had one sunburn that he can remember and that was when
he was a child.


Which of these examples do you most associate yourself with? Did
you know that Sara and Joseph are both at risk of developing skin
cancer? We have all heard the warnings about the dangers of sun
exposure. We know all about the importance of wearing sunscreen
and hats. But are YOU protected from skin cancer? Consider these
myths and facts:

MYTH ONE: Tanning Beds are Safer than the Sun

20 minutes of exposure in a tanning bed is roughly equivalent to
four hours in the sun. Although sun beds use UVA rather than UVB
rays, 'The Skin Cancer Answer' states that "UV-A penetrates more
deeply into the skin than UV-B, can cause skin cancer, and may
suppress the immune system."

MYTH TWO: Wearing Sunscreen at the Beach is Protection

85 percent of UV rays can even make it through on cloudy days.
That means you are equally at risk in the car, walking the dog or
letting your children out to play at any time of year - even when
you're not at the beach. Of course, you are usually less attired
at the beach and so covering up is recommended even when wearing
sunscreen. Sunscreen also wears off with sweat and water and
should always be applied every two hours or after getting wet.

MYTH THREE: Taking Care Of Your Skin Now Will Protect You

Sadly, skin cancer can take 20 or more years to develop. The Skin
Cancer Foundation states that most people receive about 80
percent of their lifetime sun exposure before the age of 18.
Just one blistering sunburn in childhood is estimated to double
the risk of melanoma later in life. Taking better care now will
reduce the risk, but not eliminate the damage already done.

MYTH FOUR: Having a Tan Means You're More Protected

Dark skinned individuals are less likely to develop cancer, but
tanned skin is actually damaged skin. Repeated tanning injures
the skin and increases the risk of skin cancer.

MYTH FIVE: You Can't get Burned on Overcast Days

Just because the sun is hidden by some cloud does not mean that
you don't need protection from the harmful effects of the suns rays.

So how do you plan to protect your family this year? Some
suggestions are to limit exposure to the sun - especially for
infants. Examine your skin for early signs of damage. Use a
sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher and apply it at least 30 minutes
before exposure and every two hours after that. Teach your
children good safety habits and be sure you and they are covered
up when outdoors. Have fun and be safe.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program
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Prostate is a glandular organ present only in males.  It surrounds the neck of bladder & the first part of urethra and condributes a secretion to the semen. The gland is conical in shape and measures 3 cm in vertical diameter and 4 cm in transverse diameter.It has got five lobes anterior,posterior,two lateral and a median lobe.Since  the first part of the urethra pass through it any lesion in the prostate will produce difficulty in passing urine.

Diseases of the prostate gland:-

1) Prostatitis:-

This is the inflamation of the prostate gland due to bacterial infection.

2) Benign enlargement of the prostate:-

This is a non cancerous tumour of  the prostate seen after the age of 50.  3,Cancer of the prostate:-This is the 4th most common cause of death from malignant diseases in males.

Cancer of the prostate.

Cancer of the prostate is directly linked with the male sex hormones(androgens).If the levels of sex hormone increases the growth rate of cancer also increases.It is found that after the removel of testes there is marked reduction in the size of tumour.

Site of tumour:-

Prostate cancer is seen mainly in the posterior lobe.Non cancerous enlargement is seen in other lobes.

Changes in the gland in cancer:-

The gland becomes hard with irregular surface with loss of normal lobulation .Histologically prostate cancer is an adeno carcinoma(cancer of the epithelial cells in the gland)

Growth :-

Growth rate is very fast in prostate cancer .The tumour compresses the urethra and produce difficulty in urination.

Spread of tumour:-

Metastasis in cancer of prostate is very early.

1) Local spread:-

From the posterior lobe the cancer cells go to the lateral lobes and seminal vesicles.Tumour cells also move to the neck and base of the urinary bladder.

2) Lymphatic spread:-

Through the lymph vessels cancer cells reach the internal and external illiac group of lymph nodes.From there cells move to retroperitonial(Behind the peritonium) and mediastinal lymph nodes(in the chest)

3) Spread through the blood:-

Spread of cancer cells takeplace through the periprostatic venous plexus and reaches the vertebral veins while coughing and sneezing and finally enders the vertebral bodies of the lumbar vertebrae.

Signs and symptoms of prostate cancer:--

Signs and symptoms depend upon the stage of the cancer. The following symptoms may be seen.

1) No symptoms:-

Tumour is small and only in the posterior lobe.  This is diagnosed accidentely.

2) Slight difficulty in urination:-

Here the tumour is enlarged and urethra is slightly compressed.Shortly there will be frequent urge for urination with difficult urination.

3) When the tumour spread to all nearby areas including neck of bladder and urethra there will be painful urination with bleeding.Urine comes drop by drop.

4) Retention of urine:-

When the urethra is completely compressed there will be retention of urine.This can lead to hydronephrosis, renal failure ect.In this condition patient may get convulsions due to renal failure and finally coma.

5) Signs of metastasis:-

Some patients come with the signs and symptoms of metastasis.

a) Lumbo sacral pain due to spread of cancer cells to lumbar and sacral vertebrae.

b) Fracture of spine due to cancerous growth in the spine.

c) Swelling, pain and fluid collection in the abdomen due to lesion in the abdomen.

d) Respiratory complaints due to cancer of mediastinal lymphnodes and lungs.

e) General weakness due to spread of cancer to different parts of the body.

f) Anaemia due to involment of bone marrow and increased destruction of RBCs.

Clinical examination :-

Includes per rectal examination to feel the prostate gland,palpation of abdomen to feel the swelling in kidneys and any tumours.Patient is examined from head to foot to find out any lesions.


1) Complete blood investigations;-

RBC,WBC,Platlets,ESR,bleeding time ,clotting time ect.

2) Urine analysis:-

Microscopic examination to detect pus cells,occult blood,casts,Crystals ect.

3) Renal function tests:-

Blood urea level,serum creatinine level,electrolyte level ect.

4) Serum acid phosphatase:-

Increased in cancer of prostate.

5) x-ray of the spine:-

To detect any tumour or fracture.

6) Ultra sonography;-

Gives idea about prostate,bladder,kidney ect.

7) C T scan:-

More detailed information about organs and tumour.

8) MRI of the spine:-

Gives detailed information about spine ,disc and nearby soft tissues.

9) Lymphangiography:-

Gives idea about lymphatic spread of cancer.

10) Biopsy to confirm cancer:-

Biopsy is taken from the tumour and is send for histopathological examination under the microscope.This will detect the presence of cancer cells.


1) If there is retention of urine catheterisation is needed.
2) Dialysis if kidney failure.
3) If there is coma monitoring of all vital functions along with parentral nutrition and electolyte supply.
4) Specific treatment is prostatectomy(removal of prostate)

Partial prostatectomy :-

Here only the affected lobe is removed.

Radical prostatectomy :-

Total removal of prostate along with nearby lymphnodes.

5, Hormone therapy :-

Stilbestrol is given to reduce tumour growth.Since this treatement increases the chance for cardiovascular disease phosphorylated diethyle stilbesterol is used nowadays.

6) Chemotherapy:-Drugs like cyclophosphamide, cisoplatim ect are given.

7) Radiotherapy is also done for some cases.

8) Homoeopathy:-

Homoeopathic drugs like carcinocin, conium, sabal, crotalus, thuja, iodum, selinium, staphysagria, sulphur ect can be given according to symptoms.Constitutional homoeopathic medicine will give great relief and can increase the life span.

9) Yoga and meditation is also healpful.

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SU2C and Raise Money For Cancer Research

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On Friday, September 7 at 8 pm ET, celebrities and musicians will come together to build awareness for cancer and raise money for cancer research through the Stand Up 2 Cancer (SU2C) telethon.

100 percent of all public donations from the special will go to cancer research.



Watch the Stand Up 2 Cancer Special

The Stand Up 2 Cancer Special airs Friday, September 7 from 8 to 9 pm ET.

Stand Up 2 Cancer will air on all major networks without commercial interruption. Networks include ABC, NBC, CBS as well as BIO, E!, HBO, MLB Network, Palladia, Showtime TBS, VH1 and STARZ.

About Stand Up 2 Cancer

Founded in 2008, SU2C has raised more than $180 million for innovative cancer research. Since its inception, SU2C has made grants to seven multi-disciplinary “Dream Teams” of researchers as well as to 26 young innovative scientists who are undertaking potentially high-reward projects to end the reign of cancer as a leading cause of death in the world today.

Eighty-five institutions are currently involved, including Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center.

The Penn Medicine SU2C Dream Team

As the fourth leading cause of cancer death in the United States, pancreatic cancer remains one of the most deadly forms of cancer. More than 90 percent of patients die within the first year of diagnosis. Recent advancements have had little impact, and a new approach is desperately needed.

The SU2C Dream Team at Penn is actively researching better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat pancreatic cancer. Together, members of the Pancreatic Cancer Dream Team working to translate scientific breakthroughs into new treatment options faster than ever before. Their research focuses on developing tests using advanced imaging technology to understand pancreatic cancer cells and developing new, personalized pancreatic cancer treatments based on their research.

Members of the Pancreatic Cancer SU2C Dream Team at Penn Medicine

Pancreatic cancer researchers at Penn Medicine are at the forefront of developing new, personalized approaches to pancreatic cancer treatment.

These Penn clinicians and researchers are part of the SU2C Pancreatic Cancer Dream Team.

Chi Van Dang, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine, Hematology/Oncology
Director, Abramson Cancer Center
Director, Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute

Jeffrey A. Drebin, MD, PhD, FACS
John Rhea Barton Professor of Surgery
Chairman, Department of Surgery

Hank Kung, PhD
Professor of Radiology and Pharmacology
Department of Radiology
Perelman School of Medicine

Peter J. O’Dwyer, MBBCh, MD
Professor of Medicine, Hematology/Oncology
Perelman School of Medicine

Watch Stand Up 2 Cancer and Join the Conversation

Watch Stand Up 2 Cancer Friday, September 7 at 8 pm ET.
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Fibroadenoma |Cause, symptoms, Diagnosis and Homeopathy

Fibroadenoma is lump or a tumor in the breast which is benign (noncancerous). Usually it is not life threatening but can turn to cancer rarely.
It effects mostly at 20s and 30s. It can occur during teenage time also.

Causes for Fibroadenoma

            A fibroadenoma is made up of breast gland tissue and tissue that helps support the breast gland tissue.
The exact cause is unknown. It is linked with the
hormone as the lump reduces after menopause.

Signs and symptoms of Fibroadenoma

Fibroadenomas are usually single lumps, but about 10 - 15% of women have several lumps that may affect both breasts.
Lumps may be:
   Easily moveable under the skin
 During pregnancy they may grow in size. Usually they have smooth, well-defined borders. After menopause Fibroadenomas often get smaller (if a woman is not taking hormone replacement therapy).


After the physical examination one of the following tests should be done,
    Breast ultrasound
If needed FNAC is done to rule out the malignancy.


Usually Fibroadenomas will not make any serious complications to your life.
But if there is a complex mass in your breast, there is a chance to grow the tissue malignant.

Homeopathy for Fibroadenoma:-

A constitutional homeopathic medicine can cure your Fibroadenomas. There are many homeopathic remedies which will deal with it. For that you will have to consult a classical homeopath.
I am listing some medicine which cannot be taken without your doctor’s advice.
Conium mac,
Lapis alba.
Calc flour
Natrum mur

Repertory on Fibroadenoma

Breasts - INDURATION, breasts-    acon. agar. agn. alumn. ambr. anan. apis arist-cl. arn. Aster. aur-s. Bar-i. bell-p. Bell. Bry. bufo Calc-f. calc-i. calc-p. Calc. CARB-AN. Carb-v.Carbn-s. carc. CHAM. chim. Cist. Clem. coloc. CON. Crot-h. Crot-t. Cupr. cycl. dulc. fago. Graph. hep. Hydr.Iod. kali-c. Kali-chl. Kreos. Lac-c. Lap-a. Lyc. Merc. nat-m. nit-ac. Phos. Phyt. Plb-i. plb. puls. Rhus-t. ruta sang. scroph-n. Sep. SIL. spong. Sul-i. Sulph. Thuj. tub. ust. vip.

Oxford handbook of clinical medicine

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Skirat Taofeek ( Tailor )
The Abiye programme is such a unique programme in ondo state. And they are really trying in all area. They don't collect any dime and they take care of me right from the time i registered  here for the antenatal to when i delivered. Even they normarlly attach  nurses that will be checking on me at home to know my state of health during pregnancy till when i  put to bed. they ggive us free treatment and medications, i was given free Abiye handset, i pray the good lord should uphold them.
Temitope Falaye (Housewife)
I started coming to the Abiye  Health Centre since when my pregnancy was five month old, and i was given immunization, free drugs, family size mosquito net, Abiye handset and a lot of gift items. Even when i put to bed, i was given clothing and other baby items.  Abiye is a good programme in the history of this state; my prayer is that the lord would be with them.

Mrs Bidiat Abidoye
The present government in ondo state is really trying because the Abiye programme has exposed us to a lot  things,that we didn't know before. Right from conception till the delivery period, i was given free drugs, free GSM phone, even a nurse was attached to me to check on me at home in order to know the state of my health and that of my baby. This governor, i can say is a saviour to the people of ondo state, especially the motherhood.
Mrs Omolara  Adebayo
i have really enjoyed this Abiye  programme because, we the mothers and the expectant mothers were given free drugs, family size mosquito net and a lot of goodies. my prayer for   Dr.Olusegun Mimiko is that whosoever that wants his administration disorganized, their lives shall be disorganized in Jesus name.
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A Rare Case of Male Breast Cancer

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

At 41, Brian Place found a lump near his left nipple and dismissed it as a sort of injury from the rough games he had been involved with for most of his life.  He thought that the lump was probably a result of a collision with another rugby player.  Though his doctor didn't think much of the lump either, nevertheless, he advised Place to get a mammogram test.  When the ultrasound of the breast and a biopsy came out, the diagnosis shocked Place and his colleagues from the Royal Air Force in Britain where he works as a Communications Technician: breast cancer.
Staff at his local breast clinic even assumed that Place was accompanying a female patient during his check up. The confusion is understandable. Only about less than 1% of breast cancers diagnosed occur in men. The rarity of breast cancer in men leaves so much room for research regarding the condition.   According to Dr. Larissa Korde, staff clinician at the National Cancer Institute's clinical genetics branch, “In women, we have studies based on hundreds of thousands of patients.”  However, there are no studies of that scale in men. “Though much can be extrapolated from research in women,” said Korde, “ it's a little bit harder to make recommendations for men based on evidence.”
One of the surest risk factors to consider is family medical history, that is, for both men and women.  At the time of Place's diagnosis, two female relatives of his had died of breast cancer and a third of ovarian cancer.  However, several genes may contribute to breast cancer, such as mutations which are known to increase the possibilities of both breast and ovarian cancers. Although most men might never even meet a man with breast cancer, those who have several relatives diagnosed with breast cancer should be wary for signs of their own breast tumors. Based on studies, certain populations with an unusually high proportion of people carrying BRCA2 mutations may have a higher incidence rate of breast cancer in men, such as in Sweden, Hungary, Iceland, and among Ashkenazi Jews.
There are similarities in the survival rates for men and women as they adjust in the stage of the disease at diagnosis.  But since men do not undergo a regular screening like women do, they are more likely to be diagnosed at a later stage.  The lumps may not always be detected by medical scanning equipment.

Medical treatment usually includes surgery, to be followed by some combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.  With men, an additional hormone treatment is necessary because almost all men with breast cancer have tumors characterized as hormone-receptor-positive.
After two years of medical treatment and therapy, Place is now doing well.  Two years after his diagnosis, Place is well enough to play contact sports. The mastectomy was successful, and Place has decided to discontinue his hormone treatment due to its side effects like hot flashes which he found to be very unpleasant.
Brian Place is now an active participant in online discussions and support group communities for cancer patients.  He tries to answer questions regarding male breast-cancer conditions.  Place also gives talks to people who contact him through the U.K. nonprofit Breast Cancer Care. Although there are women who are not yet accustomed to men with breast cancer condition, time and awareness can help address the issue.

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