Prostate Cancer Keeping A Positive Attitude

Friday, October 10, 2008

Prostate Cancer - Keeping A Positive Attitude
By Daniel Jarrett

Let me say from the outset- I am in no way offering anyone advice (I'm no expert) I am only saying as a very ordinary person, what works for me in maintaining a positive attitude.

I've been told of other guys in my situation who have become highly emotional when told he bad newsand become asket cases for days. I can understand that and I won't deny that at one point (for a short time) I did want to stand on a mountain top and scream for no reason, because it is scary confronting stuff, but it is not my natural response. I find I never have to look very far to find someone who is worse off and just like Polyanna I find that e glad game works wonders.

I learned many years ago that in life it is pointless to ask, why me- because the real answer to that has to be why not me? Having accepted that, the only thing that remains is to add up the plusses. When I look around, I never have to look far to see someone who is much worse off than I. Over recent years I have lost several friends who have developed brain tumours. I can only thank God, that my challenge is way less than that.

I also am grateful that in this country I do have access to top specialists and the best technology for treatment- and I will be treated. In many countries, this would not have been possible. For these reasons, I feel very positive to the point where I really don't feel I have the right to complain at all. If things turn bad on me later on, I will have to deal with that if it happens, but meantime I will go on feeling lucky.

The lady who took my CT scans said something very powerful. As usual I used my sense of humour when she asked me how I was feeling.

I said to her, I'm sorry to have to say it but you run a dreadful party- first of all the drinks were disgusting, then you invite me into the lounge room and throw me into the middle of a large record player that doesn't play music and you then run out of the room leaving me all alone for ages.

She laughed and said, Well, I hope you didn't dislike it too much because we are going to see one another every year from now on to keep monitoring you! Just think how much better off you are going to be than the thousands of people who are running around out there who haven't been tested, who have no idea that cancer is growing inside them already you at least have a chance of cure and you will know where you stand.

Last night on the television news there was a very exciting story about a medical breakthrough in Australia that is looking extremely positive. It seems they have been able to isolate a protein that they believe may be the key to blocking cancer growth in a wide variety of cancers. It was still good news at the end of the report when they said it could be available as soon as five years away!

Nowadays the advances in medicine are so rapid- no matter what your condition, it only goes to show- you never know what's around the corner.

That being said, I will continue to play the Polyanna game and just be glad for the mercies and the hope that I do have- and will concentrate on that, because I have found over the years, this is the attitude that consistently works for me best. This situation is no different.

Dan Jarrett - one man's journey battling prostate cancer includes a diary, resources and blog. We look at things in layman's terms and discuss matters such as sex openly covering things that the medics don't tell you.

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