
Thursday, April 9, 2009

The leukemia or leukosis is a whole group of tumors which is characterized uncontrolled proliferation and a different degree of a differentiation hematogenic cells. Leukemic cells thus are descendants, clones of one of mutate cells.

The reason of a leukemia, as a rule, are chromosomal aberrations, i.e. variations in structure of chromosomes as a result of various processes of restructuring of their structure: trans location, deletion, inversions, fragmentation.

According to traditional classification, all leukemia share on sharp and chronic. Such division is connected with various capacity of the given tumors to a differentiation proliferating cells. In case of sharp leukosis the differentiation practically is absent, in blood the huge quantity unripe, nonfunctional blast cells that leads to oppression normal hematosis all fragments collects. The specified signs come to light in blood more than in 80 % of cases. Chronic leukosis (leukemia) gives a population of the differentiated cells, is usual granulocytic, one step at a time replacing normal cells of peripheral blood.

Sharp leukemia can be divided on lymphoblastic and myeloblastosis.

* Sharp lymphoblastic leukosis develops from predecessors B-achroacyte (about 75 % cases) more often.
* Sharp myeloblastosis leukosis (the sharp myeloid leukemia) often refers to «nonlymphoid leukemia» to emphasize its variety and difference from Sharp lymphoblastic leukosis since blasts thus can have a granulocytic origin. Sharp 'nonlymphoid leukosis' histological is classified by the letter of M with figures from 0 up to 7, for example, М7 is a sharp megacaryoblast leukemia.

The diagnosis of a leukemia is put on set of researches of blood, and a bone brain. At diagnostics the clinical picture, and cytogenetics, morphology and immunology revealed blasts has not crucial importance. On parameters revealed at it will depend not only statement of the final diagnosis, but also the forecast, treatment and an outcome of disease.

The forecast at leukemia in whole is more favorable at children's age (1-9 years), as well as depends on a type of a pathology, a type of cells and terms of revealing of disease.

The basis of treatment leukosis is made with chemotherapy. Treatment today legal that is why each type of a pathology and its separate features matter for a choice of the report of treatment. At sharp leukosis treatment is based on poly chemotherapy. Its efficiency above at sharp lympholeukosis reaches 95 %. At sharp myeloleukemia efficiency of chemotherapy exceeds 80 %, but reasonably is often accompanied by complications, and 5-years remission is observed only at 40 % of patients, while relapses at Sharp lymphoblastic leukosis – more a unusual occurrence.

As a whole therapy of leukosis should be spent in specialized branch, with an opportunity of application of the most modern and effective treatment that guarantees both a high probability of full remission, and full of recover after all complex of medical actions.

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