Early Detection is Key for Lung Cancer Survivor

Friday, January 7, 2011 · Posted in , , , ,

A spot was discovered on Robert DeMajistre's lung during a routine physical at the Penn Center for Executive Health at Radnor. He had surgery at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, and it was discovered that Bob had lung cancer. The early intervention was critical for Bob's successful treatment and quick recovery.
I got in contact with Penn Medicine through the Penn Center for Executive Health at Radnor in 2000. During the course of those examinations, they found a spot on my lung. It was tracked faithfully from year to year as it developed.

Eventually the spot became larger and as a result I underwent surgery. Doctors removed one of the lobes of my lung, and determined that I did have lung cancer. The very fortunate thing was how early in the process my cancer was detected by the physicians at Penn Medicine.

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