Prostate Cancer: How Is It Serious?

Friday, December 23, 2011 · Posted in , ,

Prostate cancer is a malignant type of cancer which develops primarily in the prostate, a gland found in the male reproductive system which produces fluids that form part of semen to protect sperm. Most prostate cancers tend to be slow growing; however, cases of aggressive prostate cancers are also present. The malignant cells may spread from the prostate to other parts of the body, predominantly the bones and lymph nodes.

This malignant tumor is considered as the third most common cause of death to men of all ages who are experiencing cancer and is the most common reason of death from cancer in men over 75 years old. It can be successfully treated if it is discovered early.

What causes prostate cancer?

Unlike other diseases, the underlying causes of this cancer are undefined. However, there are certain factors which increase the likelihood of developing it. These include:

There are rare chances that prostate cancer will occur in men under 50 years old. The risk of prostate cancer is highly eloquent in men aged 50 years and above.

The risk of this cancer is greater to men whose father or brother had this kind of cancer compared to those men with no family history of the disease.

Diet can be a factor if your diet is high in fat, meat and dairy products.

Prostate cancer symptoms

Men who are exposed to prostate cancer may suffer symptoms like:

Trouble in starting to pass the urineA weak, sometimes discontinuous flow of urineSlobbering of urine before and after urinatingIntense need to urinate especially at nightPain or burning sensation when urinatingBlood in the urine or semenPainful Ejaculation

When the cancer has spread to other body parts, symptoms may include:

Bone painWeight lossAnemiaKidney failureWeakness or paralysis caused by compression of the spinal cord

How serious is this cancer?

This cancer is a serious condition and can be life-threatening if late detected and left untreated. This is because the malignant cells may spread to other parts of the body in its advanced stages. However, many prostate tumors are slow growing. Thus, survival rates are excellent if the disease is detected in its early stages.

How to treat this cancer?

Several treatment options are being suggested in curing this type of cancer. Basically, the most appropriate treatment is determined by the stage and aggressiveness of the ailment when it is explored. Prostate cancer therapies include:

Radical Prostatectomy-- a surgical removal of the prostate glandRadiotherapy-which uses X-rays to destroy cancer cellsChemotherapy-which uses medicines to destroy cancer cellsCryotherapy-which uses liquid nitrogen to freeze and kill cancer cellsMedications which stop your body from producing testosterone

If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should consult your doctor right away so that appropriate treatment may be given.

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