Understanding Your PSA Score

Monday, December 26, 2011 · Posted in ,

Having difficulty figuring out what your PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) score means? Are you one of the many male patients each year who have undergone a routine screening test and have been told that you have a high PSA score? Are you worried of the possible diseases that a high level of PSA might signify?

The PSA Test is one of the methods used by medical practitioners to detect man at higher risk of having prostate cancer and other diseases involving the prostate. Although this test could be claimed as a simple one, there could be risks involved upon knowing its result.

A rising PSA score could be a symptom of prostate disease. It may also mean nothing. Indeed, knowing your PSA level could cause you some stress and anxiety, especially if it is high. It is therefore important that you be made aware of the right interpretation and understanding of what your PSA level indicates.

The average PSA level is 4.00. Thus, if your PSA score is rising yet still falls below that level, there is no reason for you to worry, for so long as you engage in a prostate-friendly diet and lifestyle.

For those with rising PSA levels beyond 4.00, you have enough reason to be worried, yet, there are some factors yet to be considered to come up with the right diagnosis (urinary problems, etc). Therefore, having a high PSA score alone is not enough reason for you to believe that you have Prostate Cancer and get into conventional methods and other tests which could make your situation worse.

The truth of the matter is, whatever your PSA level may be, it alone could not tell whether you have prostate cancer or not. It simply shows the general health state of your prostate. So instead of worrying about your PSA level, you should instead start working on improving your prostate;s health. And what best way to improve your prostate health, and subsequently decrease your PSA level is to engage in natural methods.

Don't be conscious of your PSA level. Whether it's high or low you can always do something about it. Work on preventive measures by maintaining a healthy prostate. This can always be done by eating the right food, taking the right supplements, and getting into the proper exercise to go with it. Think positive. Do whatever is best not only for your prostate's health, but for your whole body system as well.

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