
Friday, June 29, 2012

Impotence is the inability of a man to perform the sexual act satisfactorily. It may consist of a weak erection, inability to gain an erection, loss of sexual desire, premature ejaculation or loss of normal sensation at the time of ejaculation.

Transient impotence is fairly common and it is often related to mild degrees of anxiety, depression, pre-occupation or fatigue associated with ordinary problems of daily living.

Chronic impotence, on the other hand, is due to either physical or psychological reasons. The physical factors include ageing, chronic debilitating disease, alcoholism, drug addiction, diabetic neuropathy, disease of the nervous system; especially spinal cord damage, endocrine disorder, damage to the urethra, large hydrocoeles and hernias.

Various drugs, including certain anti-hypertensive drugs, may produce impotence in some men. Other known causes of impotence are obesity, venereal diseases, stress and excessive intake of alcohol.

Psychological reasons for chronic impotence  include guilt and anxiety about the sexual act itself, hostility towards the partner, unwillingness to assume responsibility for all that goes with marriage and children, unhappiness at home and neglect by the wife, who may even neglect herself to the point of becoming unattractive and undesirable, especially after menopause.

When a couple cannot have a child, the wife is always thought to be the culprit and looked down upon as an outcast, with disdain. Yet, many a man constitutes the weak link in the chain most times, without the slightest suspicion that they are.

From observations, the failure to perform sexual acts effectively could be due to disuse of the organ over a long period. Every part of the body must be exercised (although, in this case, not indiscriminately!). Conversely, over-indulgence in sexual activity in early days in a man’s life should be avoided, particularly where stimulants are used. These can cause impotence at early, middle and old age.

In holistic lifecare, it is strongly advised that the client should go back to nature. Firstly, a strong cleansing herb is given to him, to help remove fats from his internal organs. The patient should abstain from sexual intercourse for a specific period while he is being treated. He must stop alcoholic drinks and smoking. A healthy, energy-giving diet is recommended.

Most importantly, the holistic remedy being suggested for impotence is a combination of natural extracts of herbs such as Colocasia antiquorum, Musa parasidiaca, Triumfetta cordifolia and Verbena officinalis.

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