Stomach Pain Relief

Friday, June 29, 2012

Stomach pain is one of the most common ailments that everyone experiences. It can be caused due to various reasons like indigestion, PMS, gas formation, irritable bowel syndrome etc. Common stomach pain can be treated with simple remedies that are harmless and effective. If the pain persists after trying these remedies then you must consult the physician as it may indicate some other ailment.

                                                   How To Cure  Stomach Pain Naturally
Lemon helps to relieve stomach ache that is caused by flatulence and over eating. Mix 2 tea spoon lemon juice and a pinch of salt in a glass of warm water and drink it two times a day. It will give you immediate relief.
Dried Ginger Powder
Dried ginger powder is anti spasmodic. It relieves stomach pain caused by indigestion and constipation. Mix together ¼ tea spoon dried ginger powder, a pinch of asafoetida and a pinch of rock salt. Take it with warm water for stomach pain relief.
Mint relieves flatulence and irritable bowel syndrome. It has a cooling effect on stomach and helps to expel gas instantly. Mint is available in concentrated form and in form of capsules in the market. You can also take fresh mint juice in lime water for stomach pain relief.
Coconut Water
Fresh coconut water is an excellent remedy for stomach pain caused by irritable bowel syndrome. It cures acidity and inflammation in the stomach which occurs after eating spicy food.
Warm water
Drink warm water three to four times a day to relieve stomach pain. It helps to treat heaviness in stomach, aids digestion and it relieves pain that is caused by constipation.
Eat A Light Diet
Eat a light diet to treat stomach pain. Eat fruits and vegetables that are easily digestible. Avoid heavy foods like chick peas, whole urad dal and non vegetarian food when suffering from stomach pain. Avoid oily and deep fried food. Limit the intake of tea and coffee to prevent acidity. BRAT (Banana, Rice, Apple and Toast) diet is recommended for stomach pain relief.
Lie Down On Your Stomach
Bloating in the stomach often causes stomach pain. Lie down on your stomach to put pressure on abdominal area. It will help to expel wind and relieve stomach pain. Put a soft pillow under your stomach for more comfort.
Hot fermentation helps to relax tension in abdominal muscles. Place a hot water bottle on the affected area and relax in a comfortable position for 15-20 minutes. Fill a small muslin bag with rice, heat it on a girdle and place it on your stomach to relieve pain. Do it two to three times a day.
Relax With Your Legs Raised
Elevated legs position also helps to alleviate stomach pain especially menstrual cramps. It takes the pressure off lower abdominal muscles. Place 2-3 soft pillows under your legs to raise them and relax till the pain is relieved. Listen to soft music or read an interesting book to take your mind off the pain.

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