Laryngeal how the prevention and treatment of obstructive

Thursday, April 3, 2008 · Posted in

Obstruction of emergency jets, in the treatment measures, we should seize every opportunity to decisively properly, the real race against time to save the lives of emergencies
Treatment principle is the cause for different treatment because of the timely lifting throat obstruction, airway patency maintain.
This principle is based on two different causes, the degree of difficulty in breathing, and obstruction of technical equipment to lift the conditions of priority after.
According to the severity and throat obstruction can be divided into four:
I, in the noisy activities or cry when mild breathing difficulties;
II, fighting tears not only in the activities, also in a quiet, mild breathing difficulties;
III, that is obstruction + II of the jets "of the four";
IV, that is obstruction III + jets of cyanosis.
Generally speaking, III, IV obstruction of the larynx must be made immediately tracheotomy to relieve the obstruction.
In the treatment of the first, we should actively cause of treatment. Caused by inflammation should use the full dose of hormones and antibiotics in the treatment of drug to be ineffective for the tracheotomy.
If the foreign body should be in addition to early admission, if there is such a II-III of obstruction, it appropriate to take tracheal foreign body would be more appropriate. In the treatment of the disease at the same time to observe closely the changes in oxygen, do tracheotomy preparations can be prepared Lamine, caffeine, such as endotracheal intubation rescue drugs and equipment.

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