Type of nasal polyps

Thursday, April 3, 2008 · Posted in

Nasal polyps is not true tumor, allergy and sinus is often caused by chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa edema results. Under the microscope examination showed the organizational structure of nasal polyps do not identical, can be divided into 3
(1) allergic polyps. Bilateral multiple often, if not remove allergy reasons, the Permanent polyp recurrence after resection. Apart from obvious lesions edema, a large number of eosinophils leukocyte infiltration, mucosa subepithelial basement membrane thickening significantly (glass-like change), can epithelial metaplasia.
(2) inflammatory polyps. Unilateral or individual polyp formation, and more localized infection, relapse after resection difficult. Slight edema, inflammatory cell exudative mainly neutrophil leukocytes and monocytes. Metaplasia see less thickening of the basement membrane and can be allergic to distinguish polyps.
(3) after-nasal polyps. This is the clinical name for a long pedicle polyps from the nasal cavity to enter into the hole after the nasopharynx. In fact, allergic shock or long-term nasal Fuyu edema, inflammatory lesions with edema and inflammatory infiltration mainly close qualitative hyperplasia phenomenon, it is inflammatory lesions nasal polyps. However, nasal polyp formation mass Guchang called "tumor-like lesions," in fact, is generally not malignant. Volume nasal polyps sometimes, even a few centimetres in size of the nasal cavity filled caused by nasal obstruction, respiratory not smooth, or a valve-like gate. Nasal polyps also accompanied smell obstacles, headache, excessive talking nasal symptoms. Nasal secretions caused stagnation trade can be induced by sinusitis, and more time was purulent secretions. Huge nasal polyps can be completely filled, and even the field will be introduced nose, change the shape nose.

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