When Lung Cells Go Wild

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 · Posted in

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Smokers at all times tell that they aren't going to end smoking because cigarettes have no bad effects in their health. Maybe they are true with what they say. I've seen a lot of people who smoke and they are healthy and vigorous.

This may only be accurate for years but always remember that pay off time will come and all the nicotine and other carcinogens that you have deposited to your body will trigger cancer cells leading to LUNG CANCER.

You will not be able to become aware of it at first. There will be difficulty of breathing. Hemoptysis or coughing out of blood smudge sputum will be manifest. There will be weight loss. You feel exhausted all the time because the oxygen levels in your blood is depleting gradually and later on in an abrupt manner.

You might ignore these symptoms because you are still in the denial that lung cancer is a possibility if you smoke so hard or even if you just smoke a little but it has been for years. Smoking is the single most dominant causative factor of smoking. Other environmental and occupational factors are just unlikely cause of the disease.

As carcinogens attack one cancer cell to another, the function of these alveoli will be changed. And here comes cellular replication. Malignant cells will only produce after its own. When it divides - there comes again a new group of nasty cells.

But this isn't the end of the scenario. Malignant cells are capable of travelling. The lungs are bounded by capillaries that are used for transmission of oxygen. These capillaries contain blood. The cells of the lungs can make use of the blood inn able to travel to other parts of the body. The liver is the most vulnerable site of metastasis.

Hematogenous spread of cancer cells is very quick. When treatment comes, chemotherapeutic agents will not just destroy the cancer cells but also the normal cells. Thus, there will be blood dyscrasias. The white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets will come to depletion. The client is immunocompromised, has bleeding tendencies, and worst has low levels of oxygen.

Let metastatic lung cancer be stoppable through prevention!

Recommended Further Reading: adenocarcinoma lung cancer

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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