For men of all ages, one of the biggest sources of insecurity is the size of our penis. From the time we begin to explore sexual relationships at a young age to well into our adult lives, we will always worry about this one itty bitty (no pun intended) detail.
It's no surprise that we are so occupied with worry and insecurity when it comes to this subject. Just look at the possible ways we can get our information.
Friends: This is a difficult and embarrassing topic to talk about with a friend. It can be hard to bring up. In addition, your friend is probably just as insecure about himself as you are and will most likely lie as a result to protect his ego. This leads us to believe that we are some sort of freak for having such a small penis when everyone we ask is so much better off.
Porn: This is can be even more misleading. Porn teaches us that women need an eight inch long manhood that can last for at least half an hour in order to be completely satisfied. Nothing could be further from the truth. I guarantee that every one of those girls in the videos is extremely sore after shooting the video and probably even during.
Lover: Asking your partner may be a good way to get a legitimate answer, however asking your lover will be even more frightening than talking to your friends. As men, we typically have very fragile egos when it comes to sex related topics, and going down this road can lead to learning things we don't want to know about and can cause even more problems.
Doctor: Asking your doctor is probably the best way to go. It is still embarrassing, but it's not like they haven't heard it asked before. They are there to help you, and can answer any of your questions.
So now that you have a little more information about what you have in your pants, what can you do if you are still unhappy with it? In this day and age, we have come to a point where technology offers us a great many helpful products. There are hundreds of herbal male enhancement products out there that can help you increase girth and achieve the size you want. The tricky part, however, is figuring out with products are legitimate and which are scams.
Don V. Simpson writes on how to Increase Girth. If you are looking for information on, he can help. You can save time and money by getting a FREE in depth review of this penis enhancer and many others including discounts and best prices at Don's blog:
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