Record Numbers Of People With Dementia In Care Homes

Monday, February 25, 2013

Main Category: Alzheimer's / Dementia
Article Date: 25 Feb 2013 - 16:00 PST

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Record Numbers Of People With Dementia In Care Homes

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Alzheimer's Society demands low expectations and quality of life must be tackled

Eighty per cent of people living in care homes - more than ever thought before - have either dementia or severe memory problems according to a new Alzheimer's Society report published today (Tuesday 26 February 2013). However, while excellent care exists, less than half of these 322,000 people are enjoying a good quality of life.

'Low Expectations' finds evidence of a deep-seated pessimism about life in care homes. Only 41 per cent of relatives surveyed by Alzheimer's Society reported that their loved ones enjoyed good quality of life. Despite this, three quarters (74 per cent) of relatives would recommend their family member's care home.

The report also reveals the severe image crisis facing the care sector. According to a YouGov public poll commissioned by the charity, 70 per cent of UK adults say they would be fairly or very scared of going into a care home. In addition, two thirds (64 per cent) do not feel the sector is doing enough to tackle abuse in care homes. The charity argues that public attitudes and scepticism about whether people with dementia enjoy a good quality of life in a care home is leading to a failure to drive up standards of care. Alzheimer's Society is calling on Government and care homes to work together to lift expectations and to strengthen existing minimum standards to boost quality of life.

Jeremy Hughes, Chief Executive at Alzheimer's Society, said:

'When you walk into an excellent care home it's full of warmth, activities and interaction. But between these best examples and the worst, which often dominate headlines, there is a forgotten scandal of people with dementia who are failed and left living a life that can only be described as 'OK'.

'Society has such low expectations of care homes that people are settling for average. Throughout our lives we demand the best for ourselves and our children. Why do we expect less for our parents? We need Government and care homes to work together to lift up expectations so people know they have the right to demand the best.'

In addition, 'Low Expectations' finds that:

  • Less than a third (30 per cent) of the public believe people with dementia are treated well in care homes.
  • The main factor (48 per cent) the general public would look for in choosing a care home is training of staff.
  • Less than half (44 per cent) of relatives said opportunities for activities in their relatives' care home were good.
  • Over 9.3 million UK adults (19 per cent) know someone with dementia in a care home*.
Alzheimer's Society has this year launched new tools to help improve quality of life for people with dementia in care homes. A new Handy Guide to Selecting a Care Home is designed to help relatives making the difficult decision on which care home to choose. The leaflet This is Me, which aims to support people with dementia in an unfamiliar place and help care staff deliver good quality care, has recently been rolled out in care homes for the first time.

Kevin Whately, actor and Alzheimer's Society Ambassador, said:

'My mum had dementia and spent the last months of her life in a care home. I'm lucky that when it came to choosing a care home for her we were able to find an excellent home, but we had to go through hell to find it. I've seen some amazing examples of care across the country but I've also seen places I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

'It shouldn't be this way. The 800,000 people with dementia in the UK should be able to count on the highest-quality care across the board, wherever they are.'

Karen Weech, 42, whose mother lives with dementia in a care home said:

'Our first experience of care was terrible. Without any experience, we didn't know what to look for and didn't have anything to compare the home to so our expectations were low.

'Now things are much different. The home mum lives in is fantastic, staff go above and beyond to make her life better. It's important that people realise that it doesn't have to be negative or drab and realise that they have the right to expect the best from care homes.'

Article adapted by Medical News Today from original press release. Click 'references' tab above for source.
Visit our alzheimer's / dementia section for the latest news on this subject.
"Low Expectations: Attitudes on choice, care and community for people with dementia in care homes" is available here.

Source: Alzheimer's Society

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26 Feb, 2013

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