The early signs of kidney tumor

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 · Posted in

Kidney cancer is not rare, According to statistics, China's kidney tumors in about systemic tumor 0.47% -0.66% abroad accounted for 3 percent. Most of malignant kidney tumors, including kidney, and renal pelvis cancer of embryos. The location of misprision of kidney, kidney tumor Most of the early asymptomatic, up until the time when the hospital found, it is more advanced patients, treatment has no hope. Therefore, people must pay attention to in everyday life in our bodies some clues to early treatment. Kidney tumors clues are: ● tumor In the waist or abdomen, got hard punch and grievances tumor, the tumor volume has been larger kidney, renal tumors often become the embryo of the first signs of the patients with 1-3 years of age for child care,mothers should be found. ● hematuria In - as in adult kidney tumors, one feature will be a painless, intermittent hematuria, about 60 percent of patients with this disease manifestations. "Painless" Apart from that tumor in the early hematuria, no other pain; "intermittent" said tumor hemorrhage, or pelvis violations only when there hematuria; bleeding stopped, hematuria vanished accordingly. ● pain Renal cell carcinoma patients have abdominal and secret anguish; only in the renal pelvis cancer caused severe hydronephrosis or hematuria occurs when renal colic; embryonic kidney tumor normally does not cause pain. ● left varicocele Adult men suddenly discovered supine, left varicocele not dissipated, should doubt whether with the left kidney tumor. The reason for this is, the left kidney in pain, swollen cells can be linked to renal vein into the internal spermatic vein, its plug formation varices. ● systemic poisoning symptoms Some patients first expressed as systemic poisoning symptoms, such as weight loss, anemia, weakness. About 10% -20% of patients with different degrees of heat. A low heat common in embryonic kidney Tumor Disease nuclear. ● metastases In case of bone metastases caused fractures; have low back pain from spinal metastasis, lower limb paralysis; lung metastasis, a cough, hemoptysis, and so on. Metastases disease, as is often very obvious, and often appear in the primary cancer-like before. ● endocrine changes Kidney tumors can cause the human endocrine system dysfunction. In the event of Erythrocytosis, Hypercalcemia, sexual function changes, the emergence of these situations should consider whether there is a kidney tumor.

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