Donovanosis. Venereal granuloma

Monday, March 23, 2009

Except for the name «donovanosis» this venereal illness also refers to venereal granuloma, the fifth venereal illness, is simple granuloma or granulomatosis, tropical inguinal granuloma, granuloma ulcer genitals, inguinal granuloma. The name «granuloma» occurs from a latin word granulum – "kernel", and there was it of that the basic symptoms of venereal granuloma are really reminding grains papule – small pimples on genitals.

Speaking about classical venereal diseases, venereologists, as a rule, keep in mind five diseases. Two of them – a syphilis and a gonorrhoea – are widely widespread worldwide. Other three concern to type of rare infections in Russia, transferred by sexual contact. It is soft chancre («the third venereal illness»), inguinal megakaryoblastoma («the fourth venereal illness»), and, finally, venereal granuloma («the fifth venereal illness»).

In comparison with "counterparts", especially with a syphilis, donovanosis looks a harmless sore. However harmless venereal illnesses does not happen, and venereal granuloma is not exception. Complications granulomatosis if they are reached with business, can be more than serious and dangerous to human life.

Venereal granuloma is the chronic infection transferred, similarly to other venereal illnesses, first of all sexual by and slowly progressing in an organism of the infected person. Adults are ill venereal granuloma only, it is not transferred children.

The activator of venereal granuloma (donovanosis) owing to which illness has received this name, – bodies Donovan which refers to also Calymmatobacterium granulomatis or stick Aragan-Vianne. It is fine (1-2 microns) a bacterium bean-like or ovoid forms. At contact to patients, bacteria take root into a leather of genitals, perineum and other sites, causing disease.

In Russia cases venereal granuloma – a huge rarity as this illness is specific to the tropical countries with a warm and damp climate. Especially widely venereal granuloma it is widespread in Papua-new Guinea, Southern India, Southern Africa, the countries of Caribbean basin, in separate areas of Australia and Brazil. In America and in the Europe "brought in" cases venereal granuloma are registered only. There are scattered instances venereal granuloma and in Russia. Among our compatriots basically the people going in tropics on rest and interested persons to try of local "exotic" including in intimate relations catch.

Certainly, sick venereal granuloma the person can transfer an infection to the constant partner, but such cases – an even greater rarity, as venereal granuloma, on medical terminology, «rather less contagious». It means, that in difference, we shall tell from a gonorrhoea who is almost always transferred the healthy partner from the patient at the first not protected contact, venereal granuloma at sexual contact is transferred seldom enough.

According to statistics, the risk to catch venereal granuloma at the unitary not protected sexual contact to patients can change from 1 up to 50 %. Thus it is necessary to consider, that the damp climate and enough heat of an environment is necessary to a bacterium. Hence, arrived of tropics to Russia infected venereal granuloma "holidayer" is practically safe for constant partners, both at sexual attitudes, and at household contacts. And still it is better to not risk, because even 1 % of probable infection for one person can be quite enough.

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