Neuralgia of a figurative nerve

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The neuralgia results from traumas, the intoxications caused by diseases of a liver, kidneys, malignant tumors, salts of heavy metals, bacterial toxins, alcohol, metabolic infringements at a diabetes, chronic processes in a gastroenteric path, etc. Can develop at a flu, a malaria, a tuberculosis to be the first clinical display of infectious-allergic process in nervous system. The certain role in occurrence plays Neuralgias hypoxic factor, for example at atherosclerotic defeat of vessels, other diseases of cardiovascular system, anemias. In some cases the reason of the Neuralgia to establish it is not possible.

The attack-like pain extends on a course of a nervous trunk or its branches. The pain can be sharp, shooting, tearing, to be accompanied by sensation of burning. There are attacks spontaneously or at movements, under influence of a touch, overcooling of an emotional overstrain. Localization hurt corresponds to a zone of a innervation the certain nerve, characteristic painful points, for example points the Point, Bekhterev often come to light.

Features of clinical displays depend on localization of process.
The neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve can be result of a trauma of the person, the transferred inflammation of bosoms of the nose, a sick teeth (pulpitises), even a wrong bite. An attack hurt at a neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve can arise at any moment: as reaction to hot or cold food, to loud sounds, too bright light, even during cleaning a teeth. The attack begins with occurrence of "harbingers" - an itch, sensation of a “creeping”, and is then shown in the form of sharp, "shooting", up to tears of a pain which lasts no more pairs of minutes. In attempt to wait an attack, the person fades on seat, questions answers tersely, hardly slightly opening a mouth.

Treatment of a neuralgia
To removal of an attack of a neuralgia apply or a complex analginum + amidopyrine or carbamazepine. By the way, in opinion of some doctors, strong irritation all of the same zones during an attack, can stop it.

The range of methods of treatment of a neuralgia is rather wide - from physiotherapy up to surgical measures (when do not help medicines). The good effect in treatment of a neuralgia gives application of acupuncture, pulse currents of a low pressure and low frequency, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, infra-red and ultra-violet radiation, ultrasound, electrophoresis medicinal substances.

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