
Thursday, March 12, 2009

The papilloma (an infection of papilloma) has been known to gynecologists for a long time. It is described by doctors of the Ancient Greece under the name condyloma. Papillomas name also as interlabial verrugas. In the end of 60th of 19th century when there were methodical opportunities of studying of a virus infection, from interlabial verrugas viruses have been allocated. The structure had them much in common with virus particles of vulgar verrugas of skin. Later specific subtypes of viruses of papilloma have been allocated at woman with condylomas of genital tracts.

Contagion of papillomas occurs only by genital tracks. Papillomas amaze basically the young women leading an active sexual life with different partners. Last years growth of viruses of papilloma infections is noted. Distinguish papillomas in the form of peaked condylomas, flat and inverting condylomas.

The virus of papilloma can be transferred through direct contact between external covers of the infected and not infected person. Defeat of a mucous coat by papilloma of genitals results from sexual contact. Peaked condylomas is frequent, at 65-70 % of ill people, reveal at inspection at both sexual partners. Quite often papillomas are combined with other venereal diseases. Probably intra-uterine contamination of a papilloma virus, and as at passage through patrimonial ways. Besides the reason of occurrence of papilloma newborns can have an infection a papilloma a virus through blood, milk, clothes, etc.

Papillomas (peaked condylomas) have exophytic growth, settle down mainly in the field of greater and small genital lips, less often in a vagina and on a cervix uteri. Growth of condylomas at an external aperture of a urethra and around of back passage is sometimes observed.

Papillomas (peaked condylomas) usually happen plural, that has served as an occasion for definition by their term condylomatosis. Peaked condylomas act above a surface of a skin and mucous coat, have a thin petiole, less often — the wide basis. Their consistence soft or firm. At plentiful growth of condylomas remind a structure of a cauliflower. Condylomas of a skin of external genitals have the albesent or brownish color, developing on mucous coat — light pink or reddish painting.

Microscopically papillomas consist of epithelial tissue (multilayered flat) and osculant stroma in which pass vessels. Superficial cells of epithelial tissue of condyloma usually have character as cornific.

Papilloma - removal and preventive maintenance.

Papillomas can be eliminated the different ways: by cold spell, by high-frequency coagulation or by laser. Thus it is necessary to remember that even removal of papillomas does not guarantee the patient against their repeated formation. The virus of papilloma of the person is a virus disease and the person remains the carrier of a virus within several years. Therefore by way of preventive maintenance against occurrence of papillomas it is necessary to take care os all organism as a whole.

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