Ending Premature Ejaculation - Excellent Tricks to Produce Super Endurance in Bed!

Saturday, July 24, 2010 · Posted in , , , , , , ,

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Ending premature ejaculation is considered to be a very hard thing to do during your sexual activity. However, you can control over your ejaculation, but you need to practice for quite some time. Just try to practice for a few minutes a day and you will be able to see the big difference.

You can try to practice any time you want. Just try to find a few minutes of your free time. What you should do is to focus on trying to control yourself when you feel excited. Try to observe your own excitement in order to understand your own arousal.

Practice in the right way

1. When you are trying to practice at home, try to find out your arousal triggers. Is it because of a particular thought or a particular touch that makes your arousal skyrocketing?

2. Once you can find out your arousal triggers, now you need to try to consciously cut them out. For example, if you are thinking of something and find that it is hard for you to control yourself, then you should stop thinking about it immediately. Well, it may not be an easy task, but you can do it.

If you can't make it through any physical stimulation, what can you do?

Well, if you are in this case, then here is what you can do.

- As mentioned above, if you get excited because of your thoughts, then you must stop thinking about it and try to focus on something else.

- Trying to focus on your breathing is highly recommended. If you really can't take your mind of that thought, then you need to try to think of it in the different way, not a sexual way.

- You have to practice harder by using the stop-start technique. This technique can be done by taking yourself to the point that close to the climax and stop all the movement.

Once your excitement level is lower, then you can continue your movement again. If possible, try to repeat this technique for around ten to fifteen times before you ejaculate. This way, you will be able to stay longer in bed.

If everything does not work, what should you do?

Aside from these tricks, there is a KILLER TECHNIQUE that you can penetrate your partner to increase her sexual pleasure and also add more to your performance at the same time. If you can do this, then your sex life will be a lot better. But I can't reveal this technique in this article since it's too personal. Just follow me through the link and find out what this technique really is.

I am sure that this technique will change your life forever!

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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