Erectile Dysfunction Among Young Men

Sunday, July 25, 2010 · Posted in , , ,

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Erectile Dysfunction (ED) among young men is not new. There are many cases of young men in their early twenties who suffer from ED. In fact, there are many men in their early twenties who suffer with this problem and ED is one of the main reasons behind their low self esteem.

What are the causes for ED among young men?

There are two causes for ED among young men namely-psychological cause and lifestyle related cause. At present, many young men undergo stress and depression, which can be due to pressure at work place or that caused by relationship issues.

The second cause of ED among young men is excessive smoking, taking excess of alcohol, and drug abuse. These can take a toll on their health and thereby result in poor erection and other sexual issues.

Can treated?

Of course! However, it is generally not recommended for young men who are suffering from ED to take Viagra or Cialis. In some exceptional cases only, the same can be recommended. Before you think of taking medicines for curing ED, you can follow some tips that will easily pave the way for an ED free life.

Control your weight

Obese people usually suffer from ED.The reason is the formation of plaque in the arteries that reduces the inflow of blood to the penile chambers. Remember, it is this inflow of blood that results in erection.Therefore, if your cholesterol level is high, reduce it at the earliest.

Regular exercise is a must

Excess fat will have an adverse affect on the testosterone production, which is a male sex hormone. Therefore, regular exercise is very necessary. If you are physically fit, there will be proper blood circulation throughout your body, including your sex organs as mentioned above. It is this flow of blood to the penile chambers that leads to erection.

Refrain from smoking and drinking

Smoking will damage your body organs gradually. Remember, those are 'cancer sticks' and therefore, can be called slow poison also. Taking excess of alcohol will also spoil your health.Alcohol may help you in increasing sexual desire but you will not get enough erection to penetrate. Then what purpose does it serve? Moreover, taking excess alcohol will lead to increase in the cholesterol level in the blood.

Lead a stress free life

Stress and depression, as mentioned above, can lead to ED among young men. If you are under stress, you can do meditation, yoga and even breathing exercises. These will sooth your nerves and relieve you from ED


Feel free to consult your all your issues with a psychologist. If you are suffering from ED, you can visit a doctor and pour out all your problems without any hesitations.

Herbal or Natural Cures

Herbal pills have come into the limelight these days. They are known for their safety and effectiveness.Choose the one that will suit you and make sure that along with the intake of these pills, you also follow the above instructions that are very important for young men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction

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