Tips For the Resolution of Male Infertility Issues

Saturday, July 24, 2010 · Posted in , ,

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Infertility is something that is defined when a couple has been trying to get pregnant for one year or more without success. Infertility is more common that many people are aware of. Unless a person has gone through this situation, it is tough to know anything about it. Once a year has passed, then it is time to do some fertility testing to determine what the problem or problems might be. Fertility testing can be very expensive since many health insurance plans view it as elective treatment. Having male infertility or female infertility testing done can also be very embarrassing and emotionally draining.

Since it is a dream for many women in a committed relationship to start a family, the role of the man is obviously very significant in that area. Dealing with male infertility can be very tough to deal with mentally, but it is very necessary to help achieve those family dreams. Male fertility issues usually involve a problem with the sperm. There are no outward signs of infertility in men that would make it obvious. This why having a test done is so vital to finding out the root cause of the problem. Since the visit to the doctor can be so costly, and because it usually involves more than one visit, it is a good idea for men to start the process with an at home testing kit. These kits involve taking a sperm sample at home to determine if the sperm count is in the normal range. The test only measures the live or viable sperm. This is a great starting point for men to determine if they have a fertility issue.

With the at home test, the sperm sample will change the color of the dye on the test to determine the number of viable sperm in the sample. A positive result will mean that there are 20 million or more live sperm in the sample. A positive result means better chances for a pregnancy. A negative result means there are possible male infertility problems. There are other factors that will affect the pregnancy, but this test can help get the process started. The test is about ninety percent accurate, which is excellent for something that can be done at home. The value of being able to conduct a test like this at home should not be overlooked. Not only does it save money, but it allows men to go through a very tough process with more comfort.

Besides a low sperm count, there can be other issues that cause male infertility. A blockage or sperm antibodies could be causing problems that the at home test cannot detect. The advantage of the test is being able to conduct it with privacy and to start gathering information. There are some medications, procedures and other techniques that can be used to help couples get pregnant, but a trained professional is the only one that can recommend the best course of action. When infertility becomes the topic of conversation for a couple, they need to treat it delicately and with patience. Using the at home test is the best way to get the process started.

Mike O'Brien offers advice and information about male infertility treatment. This is a quality web site that has a wide selection of male infertility treatment information at your fingertips!

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