How to Maintain The Good Health of Your Prostate

Wednesday, December 28, 2011 · Posted in , ,

There are many ways to keep your prostate in good condition, thus lowering, if not, eliminating the risks of suffering from prostate diseases like Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Prostatitis, and worse of them all, Prostate Cancer.

Diet and lifestyle are the two most important factors which could affect your health, especially the health of your prostate.

Work on a prostate-friendly diet. Maintaining your prostate in good health must start off with a prostate-friendly diet. Food which tend to increase the production of Estrogens must be avoided. And what are these foods? These are the type of food which contain animal fats such as dairy food like cheese, milk, butter, and yoghurt. Dairy food have been advertised as "healthy food" but in fact, they're not. They contain animal fats which would help produce estrogens in the body, which subsequently increases the ratio of Estrogens to Testosterone, causing the body to respond by converting Testosterone to DHT (Di-Hydro Testosterone), which, based on recent research, is a major cause of prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. Aside from dairy food, sugar is must also be avoided, if not minimized. And, to top it all, you must make sure that your diet consists of a balance of nutrients. The necessary nutrients may not be contained in the regular food served on your table. Yet, you can get these nutrients from nutritional supplements available in the market. As the old saying goes, "Eat what your body needs, and not what you want".

Maintain a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet could not work on your prostate if not coupled with a corresponding healthy lifestyle. Appropriate body exercise also plays an important role in maintaining a healthy prostate. You must engage in regular body exercise to work on the development of your body muscles. I am sure all of us (including you) are aware of the benefits we can get from this activity. In relation to prostate health, exercise leads to the improvement of your prostate and sexual health by increasing the production of Testosterone.

No matter how old you may be or how healthy you may seem, you must be conscious of the condition of your prostate and you must find ways to keep it in good health. Seeing a doctor is usually done when you are already experiencing symptoms of prostate diseases. Why wait for that day when you can start taking care of your prostate NOW?

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