Your Prostate In Your Hands

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 · Posted in ,

The prostate gland is in your care, from the moment you were born to the moment that you finally come to an inevitable end. Even though your parents might have taken care of you, still, it is your body that generally takes care of itself. That is the most important thing that one must remember.

Why is the prostate gland that important? First of all, you must thank this gland for your existence. Without the it, you could not have been possible. Everyone started out as a single sperm cell. With this body organ, you were protected from the harsh acidic environment of the vagina with the seminal fluid being alkaline in nature. Because it is base, it was possible for your parents' sperm and egg cell to unite to create you. That is logical enough reason, to start off. Basically, the prostate gland is important in matters of procreation. Without it, the start of life would not be scientifically possible.

The next subject is males. As you have yourself you, your friends, brothers, fathers, grandfathers or children who are male, it is imperative to study this exocrine gland for their safety. To describe it, the said organ is about, on the average, the size of a walnut. It weighs not more than seven to sixteen grams. With its normal size, it lies beneath the bladder and, after, it surrounds a part of the urethra. The fluid that it excretes is excreted outside directly into the urethra. Likewise, with the prostate gland in normal size, urine is able to pass easily.

That was when the prostate is in normal condition. There are cases when the prostate gland is overly bigger than the normal. Usually, the prostate gland does grow when one gets older. When a man reaches fifty years of age or so, the growth doesn't stop. Still, it's when the growth that is abnormal that there is something wrong with the picture. There are some cases where the prostate gland gets so big that it brings about problems in urination and the overall health. With the prostate gland having tremendous size, the urination process can either be irregular, difficult or impossible. It pushes the bladder which causes urine to pour down into the urethra; it gets so big that it is painful to urinate; and, likewise, sometimes effort is not enough that the prostate gland blocks the entire passage. This is how Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is. The cells of the prostate gland grow in number beyond the normal. Sometimes, even, moreover, there would be Prostatitis that is the inflamed prostate gland. There would be an inflammation due to the infection. There would be infection because of the urine deposit and the body's effort in functioning normally. Likewise, as a rather worse case with the prostate disease, there is also the Prostate Cancer which is the result of an over-stimulated and long irritated prostate gland. A substance called Di-Hydro-Testosterone or DHT is responsible for irritating the prostate gland. This is because of the body's estrogen content, converting testosterone into DHT.

As said, the only way to bring about a complete change in one's life, starting now, is through only believing in yourself and doing something about the problem. This is possible through diet, exercise and adding food supplements to aid you in your prostate health.

You might be asking why there aren't drugs in the suggestion. That is because the fact is that drugs are not at all organic. This means that their composition is altered or refined. With drugs, the natural substance is either concentrated or has mixed components in it this is why the body does not welcome it openly and it undergoes processing before it is taken in. It is not natural food that is merely digested. The body fights drugs because this is new to them. The mere fact that one recognizes that a drug is a drug tells the brain to make the best and adapt to the drug. This isn't supposed to be the case. Food can be preventive, curative and supportive of and in the event of disease. Eating what is natural is eating what is healthy. You get every nutrient there is to get when you eat pure organic food.

Exercise must be involved in this scene because exercise not only makes you look fit; it also increases your testosterone levels. With more testosterone, there would be a balance between it and estrogen.

A healthy diet involves not eating too much fat and protein to, as said, combat the body's natural estrogen production.

In taking care of yourself and your prostate gland, you are also taking care of your whole self preventing other various diseases like diabetes type 2, cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis and so much more.

This is how important this body organ is. It is as important as any organ in your body. Sure, it might be an organ that your body can live without but it is an organ that your body was born with. You don't go for surgery or any type of medication. One must live life the way it should be lived: naturally.

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