Prostate Cancer - Discover More About the Threats of This Disease

Saturday, December 31, 2011 · Posted in , , , , ,

Cancer is one of the most widely issues that people have to battle when it comes to health. There are different types of diseases nowadays which have unidentified origins such as prostate cancer. This particular type of cancer affects men who are merely over sixty-five to eighty years of age. The cause of this particular disease is still unknown these days however, there are certain indirect conditions and issues which are linked to it for you to consider.

Malignant tumors such as this are more often linked with old age, testosterone hormone secretion, certain effects of chemicals in the body which includes toxins or free radicals, heredity issues, and even environmental issues. Prostate cancer should be taken seriously because like any other cancer types out there, the spread of the disease can be carried out to various organs in the body.

This particular disease has symptoms to consider before even having to diagnose the person who may carry the disease. The symptoms include traces of blood in the urine, difficulty in urinating, and a burning sensation while urinating. Through thorough examination physical defects may be detected such as a hard mass or nodule which can be detected in front of the rectal area. This lump grows and after a period of time reaches the urethra which makes it difficult for the patient to urinate. Other symptoms will then occur in the later stages of prostate cancer.

This particular disease can be treated and there are various treatment options to look into to help the patient survive this kind of health condition. More often the treatment will include surgery procedure that is more known as Radical prostatectomy. There are also instances where external beam radiation is needed to eradicate cells which are causing abnormal growth of tumor in the affected area. Another treatment type involved hormone therapy where the hormones are reduced to slow down the growth of abnormal cells.

There are patients who are required to observe the situation and more often this would have to be for certain reasons that they are not that financially stable to undergo treatment of the said disease or probably because they're health is at risk if they would go through such treatment procedures. These treatments have side effects which you have to consider before getting yourself to it. Some which has to do with fertility and some will have to do with erectile dysfunction.

This is the reason why it is essential that you know what your options are before getting into a treatment process for prostate cancer. You will have to be honest with your doctor on your feelings about the whole treatment process including the procedure that you have to go through. You must be physically and psychologically willing to undergo such treatment before proceeding. This willingness has a big effect to the results as well as the success of whatever treatment process you will go through.

Do not be afraid to ask your doctor what will happen if you go through this particular treatment process. Tell your doctor what makes you not want to go through it and ask for other options available for you to survive. Be honest enough with your feelings about the whole thing with your doctor and he/she will surely be able to help you out find answers to those questions.

Irda Kadir is a freelance medical writer and has written more than 30 health books. She has a successful website of her own, and has written for magazines and publications regarding health related topics. For more information on Prostate Cancer Treatment please visit her website at

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