Prostate Treatment and Surgery: The Last Resort For Prostate Problems

Saturday, December 17, 2011 · Posted in , , , ,

What is one of the most misunderstood parts of the male reproductive system? The prostate gland! This gland about the size of a walnut, presses up against the bladder and surrounds the urethra and has made life miserable for millions of men. The prostate adds one of the components to semen and helps to expels semen during ejaculation. A simple job that often goes unnoticed. But if a man's prostate begins to swell and requires prostate treatment it can change his life dramatically.

There are a number of reasons the prostate gland may swell. They tend to be related to lifestyle, diet or disease. One of the first signs something is wrong with a man's prostate is he begins to develop urinary problems. The swollen prostate gland presses against the bladder giving men the strong urge to urinate. But the inflated prostate pinches the urethra shut making it difficult to empty the bladder. This often has men running back and forth to the bathroom attempting to urinate without success. It can be frustrating and painful.

One of the causes of prostate problems is cancer. Prostate cancer is deadly and prostate cancer treatment has many negative side effects. It can lead to impotence, incontinence and a loss of desire for sex. Prostate surgery is usually the last option. Most men try to treat it with diet, lifestyle changes and array of other options before resorting to surgery. Prostate Surgery often leads to impotence, depression and a loss of will to live.

The Prostate Clinic, treatment and complete care for all the diseases and conditions which affect the prostate, urinary and reproductive system. Please visit our website at

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