Foods That Cause Breast Cancer

Friday, May 11, 2012

Foods That Cause Breast CancerDid you know that there are certain foods that can cause or lead to breast cancer? The first decade of the 21st century has brought to its fore, extensive research in the field of cancer causing foods.

The top five foods that are known to cause breast cancer or predispose women to cancer are alcohol, soy, fats, meat and caffeine. While not all of these always lead to cancer, the risk is high. The overall lifestyle of the woman also determines her risk of developing breast cancer. Let us examine these foods in detail.

According to the American cancer society, the consumption of high alcohol is the number one food related cause of breast cancer. Women with a family history of breast cancer are asked to completely refrain from alcoholic drinks and restrict their alcohol intake to not more than one drink a week. Having several drinks, every week can increase the incidence of developing breast cancer.

Consuming excessive caffeine like coffee does not always lead to breast cancer but can lead to the formation of benign lumps in the breasts called as fibrocystic lumps. While these are not cancerous, why take a chance and wait for them to develop into something more cancerous?

A diet that is high in fat can lead to obesity and obesity is linked to a plethora of cancers. This is because an increased body weight tends to play havoc with cancer protecting hormones like estrogen. A deficiency of estrogenic hormones and compounds can put the woman at risk for developing cancer.

Not all meats are bad but consumption of large amounts of red meat is harmful for the health. Beef, mutton and pork are the biggest culprits. Instead, substitute these meats for white meat like chicken and fish.

Soy is an interesting substitute to animal protein and is consumed in large amounts by people all over the world. However, research has indicated that soy products contain phytochemicals, which have estrogenic properties and can lead to the incidence of breast cancer in women.

If you eat sugary snacks and consume excessive sugar you are not only heading towards diabetes but are also loading the blood and lymphatic system with chemical energy which cancer cells thrive on and which is required for them to grow and proliferate. No biological process can work without enzymes and sugar is one of the best fuels for most biological processes and microbial growth.

So most anti- cancer diets prescribe a low glycemic index diet. Then there are starchy and refined foods, which also increase the levels of sugar and simple carbs in the blood stream. These are corn syrup, cornstarch, refined flour, white bread, white pasta and white foods. These exacerbate the problem of cancer.

Sodium Nitrite
Sodium nitrite is found heavily in preserved and processed meats like bacon, sausages and hams. The chemical is used to preserve these meats. Even vegetables are rich in sodium nitrite owing to chemical preservatives.

Once the sodium nitrite is digested, it is converted into sodium nitrosamine, which acts as a carcinogen leading to the formation of cancerous cells. The best bet for women is to lead a healthy lifestyle of correct eating, staying happy and exercising to stay cancer free.


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