How To Know That You Are Pregnant

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

After a successful ovulation you may notice pregnancy symptoms within 7 to 10 days. The more the days pass, the more the symptoms become prominent. Every individual woman experiences different pregnancy symptoms.

Sometime, it takes few weeks for pregnancy symptoms to get noticed. So, don’t be confused that you may not experience some of the symptoms that we are going to discuss here.

Period Will Not Arrive

If you have regular period, you will notice that your period is not arriving within date range. And this is the first and one of very common pregnancy symptoms that every pregnant woman experiences. When ovulation occurs, the foetus develops and the opening of your uterus gets closed.   But there are some exceptions; some women have menses for few months after ovulation or even the whole pregnancy period. On the other hand, for some physical disorders some women don’t have their periods although they are not pregnant.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is another common pregnancy symptom. Some women experience smells in foods and other stuffs that trigger the tendency to vomit. Though the name is morning sickness, it can visit you any time in the day or night. Usually this condition lasts for the first trimester or for some, the second trimester or even whole pregnancy period.

Changes In Your Breasts

You may notice some pregnancy symptoms that make changes in your breasts. You may experience tenderness in your breast as you usually felt before your period. During this situation you experience pain even from soft touch on your breast. Some women also experience irritations.

Your nipples become larger in size as well as the circle around the nipple (areola) increases. Also nipples with areolas darken in colour. The bumps around your nipples may also enlarge. You may notice these from eight weeks of your pregnancy. Your breasts start becoming larger and you can see blue veins below your breast skin.

Cervical Mucus Increases

Another pregnancy symptom appears as increase in creamy cervical mucus production as progesterone increases. Depending on individuals, this may be a little or much more. This thick and usually white colour (may be creamy or yellowish) liquid even may secrete while you are walking and makes your pajamas wet.

Tiredness And Others Symptoms

Pregnancy accelerates your metabolism to support your baby’s development and also your body. This seems to be a big workload and you feel tiredness and you may need to take rest or sleep.

Sometimes, pregnant women feel very hot and the situation becomes more uncomfortable. You may loss interest in having sex. You also may notice hair falls. Some women may not sleep during pregnancy. Again some pregnant women may have bad breath.

Frequently Peeing

When you are pregnant, the secretion of the pregnancy hormone hCG increases which causes increasing blood supply in the pelvic area. So the bladder becomes irritable and passes urine, though the amount is very small. That is why, during pregnancy you may pee more frequently than usual and in small amounts. This also makes you wake up in the night very often and you rush to toilet.

Cramping & Spotting

During pregnancy the fetus grows and pushes the wall of your uterus which creates contraction. Some women may have a little bleeding or spotting with cramping. This bleeding is not red like normal period and its colour is pinkish. You may have spotting just before your period (the date) at early pregnancy stage (first two weeks) through third trimester.


As the baby grows inside your uterus, the uterus expands and some physical changes occur in your intestines due to increased hormones. That is why you may experience constipation. You may have wind in your intestines.

Smells Bother You

Another common pregnancy symptom you may experience that you are bothered with smells, specially food and cooking smells. This is because; pregnancy increases your sense of smell. Basically this state is responsible for morning sickness.


A very common pregnancy symptom you may get cold and nasal stuffiness. This happens for hormonal changes in your immune system.


Usually, you may not have acne or pimples on your skin; but you may be surprised to have acne on your skin. This is because that you are pregnant and your hormones get change. And the changing hormones produce acne at your early pregnancy. Don’t worry, all these pimples will disappear when your hormone level is settled. So, don’t pinch or squeeze acnes, this may leave marks and bacterial infection.

Taste Changes And Cravings

The foods you like best suddenly may be bitter to taste. During pregnancy changes in hormone levels also brings changes in your mouth and you experience your favourite foods are bitter. This experience will differ to individuals. Some may not eat meat, some can’t tolerate potatoes or even some may gag from toothpaste while brushing teeth.

On the other hand, some women in Indian subcontinent tend to taste specific foodstuffs like sour fruits and pickles. Actually when your body is deficient of vitamins and minerals, you tend to have those foods enriched with necessary vitamins and minerals. It is suggested that you should eat all nutritious foods that you are craving high and this is a better substitute for taking pregnancy multivitamins.

Again, some women may experience cravings peculiarly and tend to eat things that are not foodstuff at all; like clay, paper etc. This situation is also called as Pica.

Colour Of Your Vagina Gets Change

Another symptom of your pregnancy may be found in your vagina. When you are pregnant, blood level increases in the pelvic region and the colour of your vagina get more purplish.

All the symptoms mentioned above are commonly experienced by pregnant women. If you get notice of some of them, wait till your next period. If you have not period in due time then visit your doctor. Complete your blood or urine tests according to your doctor’s advice and make sure that you are pregnant. Many women ignore their physical changes and get abortion unconsciously. Always remember that any abortion may be fatal for you. Sometimes abortion may take women’s life or leave women incapable of being a mother forever.

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