How To Diagnose A Lump In The Breast

Friday, May 18, 2012

Breast self-exams are becoming important due to the high incidence of breast cancer. Hence, it becomes crucial for all women of childbearing age to conduct regular self-examinations at home. This helps them to detect lumps in the breast, which they can notify to their doctor immediately.

During a breast self-exam, you may come across different types of lumps. Knowing which the harmful ones are can not only safeguard your health but also help you to deal effectively with them.

Types Of Lumps

There are essentially three types of breast lumps found in the body. They are cysts, Fibroadenomas and pseudo lumps. Let us examine each one in detail.

Breast Cysts

These harmless, benign sacs of fluid occur in the breasts. They tend to occur anywhere in the breast tissue. They are smooth and squishy as if you are pressing on a water balloon. They tend to occur closer to the menstrual cycle. The cysts in the breast can also be moved when touched.

Since they can occur anywhere in the breast, they are found in the deeper walls of the chest and sometimes even on the surface of the breast. Hitting on a cyst which is located deep inside maybe difficult and may require practice and precision. Women are able to detect these cysts with regular self-examinations.

The doctor can confirm the presence of the cysts with the help of the fine aspiration procedure in which a needle is inserted into the cysts, fluid is withdrawn and sent to the lab for testing. Breast cysts are relatively harmless and are found to commonly occur in menopausal women who are in their 40’s and 50’s. These can be treated effectively with surgery which is a hassle free procedure.


These are other benign groups of breast lumps. They are made up of fibrous tissues and are hard and firm to touch. They can feel like rock solid lumps and can be moved about with the finger. These are easily spotted during an exam, as they are invariably located on the surface of the breast.

It commonly occurs in pregnancy, teens, early 20’s and sometimes during the menstrual cycle. Fibroadenomas can be removed with the help of laser ablation and lumpectomy. A biopsy can also be carried out to detect the presence of cancer.

Pseudo Lumps

These are a benign cluster of cells and are made up of necrotic or dead tissue. It could also be a bone jutting into your breast cavity. Old scar tissues may also swell up inside the breast and lead to pseudo lumps. These lumps remain permanent and do not change their shape. They can be located on the surface or deeper inside.

A pseudo lump can be examined with the help of a mammogram ultrasound or a needle biopsy in case it does not appear to be clear. If it bothers the woman or is uncomfortable, it can easily be removed with the help of minor surgery. Pseudo lumps are very common in women who have had breast augmentation.

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