How To Prevent Premature Delivery

Monday, May 21, 2012

Almost every mother-to-be would be afraid of one complication during her pregnancy, preterm or premature delivery. A very serious complication that unfortunately is not taken seriously by many pregnant women out there, premature delivery is silent and quick in its attack and in most cases is either ignored until it is too late to make amends.

Warning Signs Of Premature Labor

In order to prevent premature labor, one needs to first understand the basic signs and symptoms that can indicate an impending preterm delivery. Recognizing the symptoms is a step in the right direction in preventing preterm delivery.
Accordingly, some of the signs of premature delivery that you need to be aware of include frequent uterine cramps or contractions (exceeding 5 times in an hour), prolonged stomach pain, dull backache, acute vomiting, swelling or puffiness (on the hands and face), painful urination, sudden secretion of watery fluid from the vagina, secretion of bright red colored blood from the vagina, and extreme pressure on the pelvic muscles.

Ways To Prevent Premature Delivery

The good news is that premature delivery is 100% preventable, provided the fact that you take the necessary steps to stay safe during your pregnancy. And here are some of the most effective tips for the same.
Get Rid Of Bad Habits
Of course if you have been drinking, smoking or using drugs till now, then this would be the right time to stop all that. Many premature delivery cases have been linked to these habits. And so, to stay safe from preterm labor, it is considered wise to stop drinking, smoking or using drugs until at least your pregnancy is successfully over.
Take Care Of Your Gums
Certain diseases related to the gums in the mouth can also trigger premature deliveries. So make sure you take good care of your teeth and gums. Don’t forget to floss after brushing every day. Opt for a complete dental checkup at least once during your pregnancy in order to brush aside or take care of little issues that could lead to serious trouble later on.
Eat Well But Maintain Your Weight
While healthy eating is recommended during your pregnancy, overeating is a strict no-no. During pregnancy your body would require extra nutrients to feed you and your baby. So make sure you opt for nutritious diets that enable you to absorb all these vital nutrients without necessarily overeating.
Accordingly, the nutrients that you need to include into your existing diet during pregnancy include omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C and E, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and folic acid. It also pays to eat at frequent intervals in order to make sure that your baby keeps on receiving these vital nutrients on a regular basis. Accordingly, five smaller, healthier meals a day would keep you healthy and reduce the chances of a premature delivery.
Keep Yourself Hydrated
Dehydration can cause uterine contractions which in turn can cause premature delivery. So make sure that you drink plenty of water and other fluids every day to keep your body hydrated. This would reduce your chances of delivering prematurely.
Follow Your Prenatal Medications And Appointments Religiously
Your doctor would start you on a daily dose of supplements to keep your healthy and fit during your pregnancy. Never neglect these medications even if you feel perfectly fine. They would help your body cope with the rigors of pregnancy in the long run and would keep your baby safely inside your womb as well.
Also make it a point to not skip your prenatal medical checkups. Chances are your doctor may be able to spot something that could pose a risk to your delivery. Taking care of such issues early on would enable you to carry to term instead of delivering prematurely.
Treat Vaginal Infections Immediately
There are chances for pregnant women to contract vaginal infections like yeast, bacterial vaginosis or other STDs. These conditions can potentially cause premature delivery via premature contractions and so need to be taken care of as soon you start to notice the initial signs of the infection. Get the infection checked out by a doctor and opt for prescribed antibiotics to take care of the infection before it spreads to other parts of the body and starts posing threats to your pregnancy.
Relieve Yourself Whenever Possible
Never hold back your urine when you are pregnant. Attempting to do so would inflame the bladder and cause an irritation in the uterus. This in turn can trigger premature uterine contractions that can cause a premature delivery. So make sure you relieve yourself whenever you feel the urge to urinate, instead of trying to hold it in.

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