Children of congestive heart failure in the differential diagnosis

Monday, March 31, 2008 · Posted in

1. Infants with heart failure should distinguish between the following: (1) with gas and severe pneumonia and bronchiolitis: Children have difficulty in breathing, pulse and breathing fast, and so by signs. Since emphysema and diaphragm decline in the liver can Lexia 2 to 3 cm in touch. Signs similar to the above with heart failure, but not to expand its heart, liver blunt edge not round. (2) Purple congenital heart disease: for children with the lack of oxygen, often by breathing faster, irritability, cyanosis and heart rate increased speed up, but there is no other manifestations such as heart failure, such as hepatomegaly.
2. Older infants with heart failure should be under disease identification: (1) acute pericarditis, pericardial effusion and chronic constrictive pericarditis: These plug pericardial disease and venous congestion, and symptoms similar to heart failure, but pericardial disease has the following characteristics to be used as identification: ① surprising veins clear. ② abdominal not more prominent, and other parts of edema disproportionate. ③ not obvious pulmonary congestion and more, the children despite the jugular Nuzhang, ascites and liver, and other signs of significantly increased, but not significantly breathing difficulties, can be more than 15 minutes. ④ x-examination, echocardiography and radionuclide cardiac blood pool scan can also assist in diagnosis. (2) liver and kidney diseases caused significant ascites: with the right heart failure identification.

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