Intestinal obstruction in children

Monday, March 31, 2008 · Posted in

Intestine, or bowel lesions caused by intestinal contents of obstacles, called intestinal obstruction. Cause intestinal obstruction due to a two categories, one category called mechanical intestinal obstruction, and more as intestinal atresia and stenosis, adhesion, intestinal tumors, intussusception, volvulus, and other causes. Another called functional bowel obstruction, and more as indigestion, colitis, peritonitis, pneumonia, sepsis and after abdominal surgery causes such as paralysis caused by enterovirus. After a bowel obstruction due to intestinal contents blocked intestine peristalsis disorder, in children, there will be Futeng, vomiting, defecation exhaust anal stop, the symptoms of abdominal distention. As the disease progress, the symptoms gradually worsened and abdomen-line perspective can be seen film and intestinal bloating and gas liquid, such as abnormal signs.
At the same time due to the large intestine exudate, vomiting, as well as a large number of gastrointestinal absorption toxin, and other factors, occurred in children dehydration, acidosis, mental sluggishness, irritability or lethargy, fever and a series of systemic change. If with intestinal ischemia and necrosis, intestinal perforation, can be life-threatening.
Once in a timely manner obstruction to the hospital to identify the reasons for obstruction, the timely processing. Despite chronic obstruction disease gentler, but often more severe, but also to early treatment.
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1. Mechanical obstruction of treatment to surgery, especially intestinal some congenital deformities, such as congenital intestinal atresia, the importance of timely surgery, but some diseases, such as intussusception, the overwhelming majority of the gas can be enema treatment, and as adhesion ileus, a considerable part of the children with fasting, gastrointestinal decompression, Chinese medicine, infusion therapy, and other conservative and mitigation.
2. At present the most common mechanical intestinal obstruction three diseases, namely adhesive intestinal obstruction, the assessment of intussusception and groin oblique incarcerated. Functional bowel obstruction caused paralysis against major diseases treatment, such as pneumonia associated with paralytic ileus, the main treatment of pneumonia, accompanied by fasting, gastrointestinal decompression, Xichang and other conservative therapy and reduce the symptoms of intestinal obstruction, the real need surgery rarely.
3. Strangulating intestinal obstruction due to severe illness, rapid development, should be actively treated and timely surgery to prevent serious toxic shock, and intestinal necrosis caused by the excessive deaths.
1. No matter what obstruction, Weishui or not children can eat, and observing Futeng, vomiting and defecation in the exhaust. Such as sick child or severe abdominal distension Futeng gradually increase, or irritability, phenomena such as fast pulse, her illness became more serious note, should be promptly taken to the hospital clinics.
2. Home after surgery in children must pay attention to diet, eat less or eat cold food, such as Health Boshu, peanuts, beans, and so on, to prevent the stimulation of gastrointestinal obstruction recurrence.
3. Attention to the sick child warm, not cold cold.

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