What are the characteristics of early breast cancer

Monday, March 31, 2008 · Posted in

Breast Cancer Breast cancer accounted for 80 per cent. Prominent positions in the breast skin, breast relatively slow pace of development, this is the early detection of breast cancer favorable conditions. Some scholars believe that benign breast diseases are pre-cancerous lesions, such as chronic cystic breast disease, papilloma, nipple prolonged Buyu scaling, and keratosis acquired the nipple inverted, such as bleeding of the breast. Active treatment of these diseases, but also to prevent breast cancer. Breast cancer early, and often no specific symptoms, the majority of the accidental breast with a painless, hard single small mass, its uneven surface, it is not easy, and the surrounding tissue boundaries unclear, gradually increasing mass , and linked to the mass skin sag, with a tangerine peel. Furthermore, the breast can be reduced, acting like nipple fixation, compared with the contralateral visible nipple elevation, may also see nipple discharge, bleeding nipple, nipple discharge if we can take for pathological examination, we find that cancer cells. The development of modern medicine, many methods have been used for early detection of breast cancer, and breast X-ray, mammography, radionuclide inspection, infrared thermography display, liquid crystal thermal imaging examination method and ultrasonic inspection, and so on. However, the most fundamental way, or self-breast examination, pay attention to the size of the breast symmetry, whether there is a small nodule, the breast skin, and whether changes in the location of the breast, found suspicious changes in the specialist should be promptly went to the hospital to check.

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