Governance hemorrhoids: multi-conditioner less surgery!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 · Posted in

The incidence of hemorrhoids very high, is suffering from the disease how to do » Is to the hospital for surgery, there are still other ways » In fact, the vast majority of cases does not require surgery. As long as to avoid acute hemorrhoids, and then through various conditioning is entirely possible from hemorrhoids problem, not surgery. First, diet Conditioning Is to eat more vegetables, the better to avoid spicy foods. This is the most effective prevention measures acute hemorrhoids. The second is used to adjust Defecation is to develop good habits, regular defecation, do not stay long, the attention of health. Defecation cultivate the habit of relying on a reasonable diet, eat more vegetables help to develop one or two times a day of the bowel habits, the majority of cases in the morning or after breakfast, because at this time will have a strong gut Wiggle stool will be sent to the rectum, caused defecation reflex. On the contrary, eat or do not eat vegetables, will reduce the volume of feces, not the law, from time to time to stool, stool in the toilet after little or no fundamental stool, with the result that stool frequency, going a long time and stool energy, and this Will create or aggravate hemorrhoids, caused acute hemorrhoids. In addition, attention should be paid to the anus after defecation of health, cleanliness and conditions when they should be cleaned or after Hip Bath. Third, sports conditioning Bed-ridden, sedentary, long points, activities to reduce constipation, and, therefore, easy for hemorrhoids. Because in these circumstances peristalsis slow, anal relaxation, the anus of the vein easy to create congestion and hemorrhoids. The campaign helped to strengthen peristalsis, while making the anal sphincter contraction and relaxation of the turn movement. Therefore, the appropriate campaign will not only help prevent the formation of hemorrhoids, has been formed to prevent hemorrhoids their acute attack. The fourth is to make drugs Hemorrhoids acute need to use drugs, mainly used to adjust the medication, the key is to use properly. The use of hemorrhoids ointment is the right way: they wash after fingers and anus, where warm water conditions better Hip Bath, Xigan local water. Ointment in the first finger on the crowded, and then use fingers Qingqingdejiang ointment evenly hand in hemorrhoids and around the surface, a bleeding pain, eliminate edema. Attention should be paid to the finger Shenru a little anal, so that Zhihe on the edge of the anal canal and the entire week has ointment, wash hands after use.

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