How acute renal failure diagnosis

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 · Posted in

Should be asked in detail about whether history of acute renal failure caused factors; correct or rule out the reasons for the lack of blood volume caused oliguria; Niaobi Chong conducted to determine the proportion of highly suspicious 1.018, 1.014 in the proportion of the value of a diagnosis, a routine urine protein, cells , Possession of, in particular type of kidney failure even greater significance; urine osmotic pressure of less than 350 ml / l; urinary sodium greater than 40 mmol / L, urine and serum creatinine creatinine ratio of less than 10, renal failure index greater than 2; monitoring of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen and a straight-line rise to modern acid and electrolyte imbalance can be confirmed. If so B-ultrasonic inspection of bilateral renal increased nail normal creatinine of more support for acute renal failure diagnosis.

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