Treating gastric ulcer can eat ginger

Thursday, June 19, 2008 · Posted in

Chinese medicine hospital in Hubei Province digestive internal medicine Dr. Hu Yunlian, ginger Wen Xin, a cold-dispelling sweating, stomach-antiemetic, sterilization analgesia, the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory, serving ginger can cure gastric ulcer and gastritis-Deficiency-Cold Zheng, enteritis and cold - Type flu and other diseases. Among them, gastric ulcer-prone in the cold autumn and winter, often feeling cold, cold food, and other incentives, the recurrence rate higher. By feelings of cold food cold or gastric ulcer caused by the attack patients, 50 grams Jianshui available ginger drink, take two hours a day, until the pain, vomiting, pantothenic acid, and other symptoms ease. Dr. Hu also recommended a therapeutic side: three plus ginger jujube 10 Jianshui clothes and two or three times a day, two weeks for a course of treatment. Need to remind that, because Ginger is a strong Xin hot dry goods, Yin has heat, heat biased towards tongue fur and yellow and stem the patients, we must Jishi ginger. In addition, suffering from pneumonia, hepatitis, lung abscess, tuberculosis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, hemorrhoids, scabies and other diseases, nor long-term consumption of a large number of ginger.

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