Liver tumors in the diagnosis and treatment

Sunday, June 22, 2008 · Posted in

Liver cancer is divided into two types of benign and malignant. Cancer is the most common primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), is the most common benign cavernous hemangioma. Hepatitis B and liver cancer in close, 95 percent of liver cancer patients have hepatitis B background. Clinical symptoms Changbiaoxianwei liver pain, fatigue, weight loss, and so on. Inspection is the main indicator of tumor AFP (AFP) and heterogeneity of AFP. Imaging the preferred B-screening checks, as well as CT, MRI, and so on. The principle of treating liver cancer is surgical excision of the Center for treatment. Can not be removed, and can be integrated through non-surgical therapy, to narrow the tumor removed after the two firms. Can not be tolerated in patients with advanced treatment, should be protective, and improve the general situation of mainly symptomatic treatment. Liver cavernous hemangioma women . Because the incidence of congenital blood vessel abnormality, caused proliferation and tumor-like formation of blood vessels, endocrine factors affecting them, such as pregnancy or oral estrogen, hemangioma in a short period of time will significantly increase. B Chaodeng diagnosis rely mainly on imaging examination. Hemangioma does not have particular cause for alarm, but needs to be open with the identification of liver cancer. For those not identified, regardless of size, should be surgical exploration.

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