Renal failure affect sexual function

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 · Posted in

Chronic renal failure is often said to have uremia, is a serious health hazard of the disease, according to statistics, suffering from uremia 90 percent of men with penile erection or an erection can not be maintained after the erection, and often severe The degree of sexual dysfunction and the extent consistent. Chronic renal failure may be due to the following reasons in sexual dysfunction. First, the male hormone levels change. Doctors study found that men in uremic patients can testicular atrophy, blood in the water level of male hormones decline, the level of gonadotropin increased in recent years also found in the blood prolactin levels increased significantly, these hormones are abnormal Can lead to sexual dysfunction. Second, the nerve, uremia and hemodialysis patients often nervous system disorder, or uremic neuropathy, such as uremia encephalopathy. Third, because of the associated with diabetes, high blood pressure, tuberculosis, and complications such as systemic lupus erythematosus, such as anemia, abnormal calcium metabolism, electrolyte imbalance can cause sexual dysfunction. In addition, the treatment of many drugs such as anti-hypertension drugs, diuretics, as mentioned earlier, as the degree of interference function. Fourth, is the psychological factor. Uremia patients poor prognosis, patients depression, mental depression, even if dialysis, renal transplantation can only maintain their livelihood, the Chinese people but also by the impact of the financial burden may increase sexual dysfunction. Chronic renal failure caused by male sexual dysfunction treatment is difficult, hemodialysis and kidney transplantation can restore some of the patients, but the main doctors should provide advisory services, patients with psychological state of understanding, patient guidance, strengthen psychological treatment to help Patients restore sexual function.

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